Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)


Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (1)

Enemy Type Elder Dragon
Elements Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2)Fire
Ailments Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (3)Fireblight
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (4)Blastblight
Weakness Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (5)Water (⭐⭐⭐)
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (6)Ice (⭐⭐⭐)
Resistances Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (7)Fire
Locations Wildspire Waste
Elder's Recess
The Guiding Lands
Tempered Lv. 3

Teostra is an Elder Dragonin Monster Hunter World (MHW). テオ・テスカトル (炎王龍) in Japanese.

A brutal elder dragon wreathed in flames that spits blazing fire. Teostra are of such a fierce and deadly nature that the Guild closely monitors their movements.

Teostra Details & Locations

  • Found in: Wildspire Waste, Elder's Recess
  • Target of Quests: Teostra The Infernal, A Blaze on the Sand, Hellfire's Stronghold, The Fires of Hell Bite Deep, Infernal Monarchy, The Blazing Sun, No Remorse, No Surrender, The Scorn of the Sun, The Sapphire Star's Guidance, The Thronetaker, We Three Kings
  • Teostra is docile until attacked.
  • Attacks other monsters: Yes
  • Related Monster: It is the male version of the Lunastra.
  • Sizes:Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (8) 1575.33 ~ Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (9) 2237.69
  • Teostra is available in Iceborne at MR 19 or higher.
  • HP:
    • High Rank: ~8,686(Solo), ~13,115(Duo), ~19,565(3 or 4 players)
    • Master Rank: ~27,520(Solo), ~46,999(Duo), ~70,176(3 or 4 players)

Teostra Combat Info

  • Heat Guard can be extremely useful against Teostra, since it nullifies the damage from it's fire aura, and from the puddles of fire it drops on the floor (but does not protect from Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (10)Fireblight).
  • Hunters should aim for the head, its weakest spot. Other weakspots are the wings and tail (which is severable)
  • Since this is an agile monster, the belly area is the easiest to position oneself in.
  • Weakness sign: limping, Returns back to volcano area when near death (Elder's Recess), the deepest part of the cavern (Wildspire Waste), or the plateau (Wildspre Biome of The Guiding Lands).
  • The black scale dust Teostra scatters will spread over a wide area until it finally explodes. Keep an eye on that, as well as the flames it occasionally shields itself in, and aim to stagger it with weapons possessing Elderseal capabilities
  • At some points in the fight, Teostra will become covered in flames around its body. After some time he will take to the skies and release an explosion. The explosion covers a great distance so run away once he begins to fly up or utilize a flash pod to knock him to the ground. You can also utilize crystalburst to interrupt his supernova.
  • In instances where the Teostra and Lunastra are both spawned, hunters should try to keep them apart. If they are both in the same area, they will not only team up, but also gain unique/stronger attacks.

Teostra Weaknesses

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each ailment

Weakness Level ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each damage type

Weak Point
Head (Breakable) ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Wings (Breakable) ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐
Tail (Severable) ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

Detailed weakness information(Legend Explanation:here)

Master Rank:

High Rank:

Credits toAsteriskAmpersand, Deathcream and MoonBunnie.

MHW Teostra CombatTips

Teostra, an elder dragon enveloped in flames, wields the destructive power of detonating scales with a gnash of its formidable fangs. Displaying leonine traits and a vibrant fiery hue, Teostra features a majestic mane, imposing fangs, and backward-curving horns. Its wings and tail are adorned with fur, presenting a distinct appearance. Serving as the male counterpart to Lunastra, Teostra's prowess extends beyond physical strength, with mastery over intense flames.

Teostra's flame control allows it to unleash potent streams of fire, turning foes to ash, setting ablaze its surroundings, and emanating a scorching aura that harms those in proximity. Complementing its fiery arsenal, Teostra produces explosive powder from its scales. This powder, spread by the dragon's teeth, results in a Supernova.

Consider these additional tips to enhance your strategy in this encounter:

  • Immunizer usage accelerates the healing process during Teostra's red aura, effectively countering the gradual health reduction.
  • Both Teostra and Lunastra have a chance to drop a shiny when roaring.
  • Teostra employs a highly flammable powder, dispersing it with its wings. By gnashing its teeth, a spark is generated, triggering an explosive reaction. The color of the spark signifies the explosion's range – red for close-range and yellow for a more extended blast.
  • Earplugs are essential to block Teostra's powerful roar.
  • Alternatively, the speed of Teostra's wing beats indicates the explosion range: a rapid beat results in a close-range explosion, while a slow beat leads to a long-range blast.

Teostra Carves and Rewards

Defeating this monster allows the player to carve the following items:

Teostra Carves

Carves Frequency
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (21)Fire Dragon Scale + (dropped) High Rank⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra Carapace High Rank⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra Claw + High Rank⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (24)Teostra Horn + (break head) High Rank⭐⭐
Teostra Mane High Rank⭐⭐⭐
Teostra Gem (break head, break tail) High Rank⭐ 2% Carve,3% Tail Carve and2% Head Break
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (27)Teostra Tail (break tail) High Rank⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (28)Teostra Webbing (break wings) High Rank⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (29)Hellfire Shard Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (30)Teostra Cortex Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (31)Fire Dragon Hardclaw Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (32)Teostra Mane+ Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (33)Large Elder Dragon Gem (tail carved or head broken) Master Rank ⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (34)Teostra Lash (tail carved) Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Teostra Gem Master Rank ⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (35)Teostra Powder (dropped) Master Rank ???
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (36)Teostra Hardhorn (head broken) Master Rank ⭐⭐

Teostra Rewards

Rewards Frequency
Teostra Carapace High Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (38)Fire Dragon Scale + High Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra Powder High Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Teostra Mane High Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Teostra Claw + High Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Elder Dragon Bone High Rank ⭐⭐
Elder Dragon Blood High Rank ⭐⭐
Teostra Gem High Rank ⭐ 6% Silver Reward and13% Gold Reward
Hellfire Mane High Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Elder Spiritvein Bone High Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tempered Crimson Mane High Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (47)Great Spiritvein Gem High Rank ⭐
Fire Dragon Hardclaw Master Rank ???
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (48)Teostra Cortex Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (49)Hellfire Shard Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (50)Teostra Lash Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (51)Teostra Mane+ Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (52)Large Elder Dragon Bone Master Rank ⭐⭐
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (53)Pure Dragon Blood Master Rank ⭐⭐
Teostra Gem Master Rank ⭐

Teostra Weapons & Armor

Armor and Weapons related to the Teostra Monster.


  • Imperial Saber
  • Imperial Shimmer
  • Imperial Flickerflame
  • Teostra's Spada
  • Teostra's Emblem
  • Teostra's Medal
  • Teostra's Tiple
  • Teostra's Orphée
  • Teostra's Musica
  • Teostra's Arx
  • Teostra's Castle
  • Teostra's Hellebarde
  • Teostra's Artillery
  • Teostra's Flames
  • Teostra's Firestorm


Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (69)

Teostra Alpha Armor Set (α)

Set Bonus: Teostra Technique
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (70)

Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (71)

Teostra Beta Armor Set (β)

Set Bonus: Teostra Technique
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (72)

Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (73)

Teostra Gamma Armor Set (γ)

Set Bonus: Teostra Technique
Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (74)

Teostra Alpha + (α)

Set Bonus:Teostra Technique

Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (75)

Teostra Beta + (β)

Set Bonus:Teostra Technique

Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (76)

Notes & Trivia

  • Teostra is known as the Flame King Dragon

Teostra render.

Teostra icon.

Large Monsters

Acidic GlavenusAlatreonAncient LeshenAnjanathAzure RathalosBanbaroBariothBarrothBazelgeuseBehemothBeotodusBlack DiablosBlackveil Vaal HazakBrachydiosBrute TigrexCoral Pukei-PukeiDeviljhoDiablosDodogamaEbony OdogaronFatalisFrostfang BariothFulgur AnjanathFurious RajangGlavenusGold RathianGreat GirrosGreat JagrasJyuratodusKirinKulu-Ya-KuKulve TarothKushala DaoraLavasiothLegianaLeshenLunastraNamielleNargacugaNergiganteNightshade PaolumuOdogaronPaolumuPink RathianPukei-PukeiRadobaanRaging BrachydiosRajangRathalosRathianRuiner NergiganteSafi'jiivaSavage DeviljhoScarred Yian GarugaSeething BazelgeuseShara IshvaldaShrieking LegianaSilver RathalosStygian ZinogreTigrexTobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuUragaanVaal HazakVelkhanaViper Tobi-KadachiXeno'jiivaYian GarugaZinogreZorah Magdaros

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Teostra | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)


Is Teostra harder than Nergigante? ›

Teo is a challenge for me, but the general consensus is that he is the easiest. Xeno one shot me, but after you learn not to go near him when he does that move, he is a joke. I've struggled with Nergigante more than any other monster in monster hunter and I've played since tri.

How do you beat Teostra in Monster Hunter: World? ›

To knock Teostra out of its enraged state, focus on attacking its head. After it's taken enough damage to the head, it will fall to the ground and the glowing embers surrounding its body will dissipate. Use this opportunity to deal some damage as the fight returns to normal.

What is Teostra weak against? ›

Risen Teostra is weakest to the Water element. As for ailments, it's most susceptible to Blast attacks and Water blight.

What element is best against Teostra? ›

Teostra is weakest to blast and water. For a complete breakdown on each part of the Teostra and its weaknesses, please see the table below.

Who is the weakest Elder Dragon? ›

Kirin is literally the weakest confirmed Elder Dragon, though. Shagaru Magala and Valstrax are also pretty weak, but they're still stronger than Kirin.

What is the hardest monster to beat in MHW? ›

Arguably one of the most difficult foes to take down in the entire series, Extreme Behemoth (or 'Extremoth', as he's affectionately known by players) is an absolute titan that effortlessly ranks as Monster Hunter World's hardest monster.

Can I trap Teostra? ›

Traps do not work on Elder Dragons, unless from a Trapshot. Instant and rushes over. 8 Secs. Highly effective when Skylight Teostra is airborne.

What does Elderseal do to Teostra? ›

Elderseal affects the following monsters, all of which are Elder Dragons: Kirin: Reduces the level of its enraged lightning phase, which hardens its skin. Teostra: Reduces its flame and blast auras, which prevents long-range weapons from penetrating.

How much HP does Risen Teostra have? ›

Risen Teostra158,050 HP 59,770 HP 61,060 HP 62,780 HP 64,500 HP
Risen Teostra278,368 HP 80,690 HP 82,431 HP 84,753 HP 87,075 HP
Risen Teostra398,685 HP 101,609 HP 103,802 HP 106,726 HP 109,650 HP
Risen Teostra4116,100 HP 119,540 HP 122,120 HP 125,560 HP 129,000 HP
24 more rows

How to survive Teostra? ›

Teostra is at its most dangerous when it is covered in flaming embers, so stay distant and mobile until it is safe again. As with most wyverns, you should be particularly wary when its in the air, though its dives and fire breath attacks are easier to dodge than other monsters in flight.

How powerful is Teostra? ›

The Teostra possesses a powerful flamethrower like breath. Alongside this, these dragons can generate an aura of flame around themselves which can burn away at those who get too close and can even deflect or repel long-ranged attacks.

Is Teostra hunting horn good? ›

Hunters with a talent for hunting horns will be most interested in the melodies the Teostra's Orphée can produce. These are well-versed to aid in both defensive and offensive tactics, making Teostra's Orphée possibly the most well-balanced hunting horn around.

Does Teostra do blast damage? ›

Most is fire damage. Only the stuff that inflicts blast-blight on you will cause the blast status if you don't roll it/consume a Nullberry. I think the clawswipe in his super form inflicts blast instantly, but it might've been that I didn't notice that I already caught the status before.

Is Teostra harder than Kushala? ›

Kushala isn't the hardest but its the most annoying. Depends if you have miasma decorations. If you do, Vaal is easiest, if not, Teostra is easiest imo. I'd keep trying on Teo if you're lance, anyways, Vaal with lance and no health aug sounds really tedious with how much sheathing you'll be doing.

How strong is Teostra? ›

The Teostra possesses a powerful flamethrower like breath. Alongside this, these dragons can generate an aura of flame around themselves which can burn away at those who get too close and can even deflect or repel long-ranged attacks.

What is the most powerful non Elder Dragon in Monster Hunter? ›

Don't underestimate it — pound for pound, Rajang is generally considered to be the Monster Hunter most powerful monster – and that includes Elder Dragons. Rajang is the only non-Elder monster to prey on Elder Dragons. It seeks out Kirin and eats its horn to power up its lightning abilities.


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