Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)


Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (1)

Species Elder Dragons
Elements Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2)Fire
Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (3)Thunder
Ailments Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (4)Bleeding
Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (5)Fireblight
Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (6)Thunderblight
Weakness Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (7)Dragon(⭐⭐⭐)
Resistances Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (8)Thunder (⭐)
Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (9)Fire (⭐)
Locations Elder's Recess

Behemoth is a Large Monster in Monster Hunter World (MHW). ベヒーモス (Behīmosu) in Japanese. It was added as a special free DLC in summer 2018 (August 2nd) for aFinal Fantasy XIV collaboration event.Towering over hunters with its imposing stature, Behemoth posed a formidable challenge, demanding a blend of strategic prowess and tactical coordination rarely.

A powerful beast from another world. Its large horns and muscular frame defy nature. Unique strategies are required to battle it.

Behemoth Details & Locations in MH World

  • Found in: Elder's Recess
  • Target of Quest:
    The Legendary Beast, He Taketh It With His Eyes, A Visitor From Eorzea, A Visitor From Eorzea (Extreme)
  • Is immediately hostile at close range
  • Attacks other monsters: ??
  • Small Monsters version: none
  • Sizes:♛ 3423.65 ~♛ 3423.65
  • Species: Elder Dragons
  • HP(set health, behemoth quests have no multiplayer hp scaling):
    • Special Assignment: ~8,750
    • Regular Behemoth: ~35,000
    • Extreme Behemoth: ~51,800

Talk to the Serious Handler in Astera after defeating the main story to add the new special mission “A Visitor From Another World”. Players will go to Wildspire Wasteand follow theCactuars. The Cactuars can be caught and are worth 85 points. This will lead the players to slay a powered up Kulu-Ya-Ku. Afterwards, players will enjoy a cutscene leading them to Elder’s Recess to undertake another Special Assignment.

Notes: Monster can be mounted, but is immune to traps. If it lands on the player it will deal heavy damage. It will be a guaranteed giant crown. Several moves, such as the standard meteor and charybdis attacks, can be interrupted by a flash pod. Temporal mantle is recommended as many attacks are unblockable and others result in heavy chip damage, even with guard level 4.

Polar Behemoth Event Quest
A Visitor from Eorzea (Extreme)

  • 9 ★ located in the Elder Recess
  • Players must be HR 50 or higher
  • Player must slay a Tempered Behemoth
  • Players will obtain Behemoth Ticket to forge the new Drachen/Dragoon Layered Armor.
  • This mission last fromAugust 23rd to September 6th.

Monster Hunter World Behemoth Combat Info

  • Deals Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (10)Thunderand Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (11) Fire Element Damage, and is resistant to both
  • A Tank or Evasion Tank is absolutely essential to the run
  • Lance, IG and shield users should tank the monster: Let the tank start to get aggro first. Do not engage until the tank has enmity confirmed by the combat text.
  • Weak to Dragon,Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (13)WaterandBehemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (14)Ice.
  • Status weak to Paralysis and Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (16)Sleep (gunners should have these two elements)
  • The Horns and Tail, and claws can be broken
  • Ecliptic meteor can be avoided by using the Dragoon Jump emote given to you, count 1 second as soon as behemoth ******es from finalizing it's EM summon. Note however, that timing varies slightly depending on your distance from EM's epicenter. In general however, the above rule should provide enough leeway for you to time it right for medium distance (between 4 rolls to 10 rolls distance from epicenter)
  • Ecliptic meteor CAN be avoided via farcaster, but beware, as item usage of any kind is locked as soon as behemoth casts EM. It is possible to use a farcaster before the items lock and still be invincible as the EM hits.
  • Bring healing items to help your teammates such as Lifepowder. 3 on hand and 10 combination reserves will ensure everyone stays alive.
  • Bring Mega Barrel Bombs to place when it falls asleep.
  • The boss summons COMETS. Your team should drop them in accessible areas of the arena.
  • When the large meteor AOE comes, put the COMET between you and the middle of the arena where the large meteor will land. The floor turns red and the boss glows red as a signal.
  • When Charybdis is cast, a player will be selected with a gust of wind similar to the starting of a Kushala Tornado. Move closer to a wall if possible to ensure that the team isn't affected during combat.
    • If you are playing with randoms and your teammates are dropping tornados everywhere, you can use a Flashpod to stop the cast.
    • Be aware that flashpods reset Enemity (aggro), so they should be used sparingly
  • If you have played FF14 before you will notice that Behemoth has distinct skills that have areas to position your team in. - For example the Thunderbolt, standing either on the side, behind or in the spaces between his head and arm are the safest places to stand. If you are his target it is better to stand in the spaces between his hand and arm or you risk wiping your team if he turns around suddenly on a teammate.
  • Similar with Thundaga, his Eruption is the same 3 directions however it is telegraphed more clearly and is not used more than once at a time.
  • Meteor can be blocked but chunks for a lot, it is better to super man dive or avoid completely.
  • The player withEnmity should move Behemoth away from any tornadoes and comet.
  • If it stumbles, everyone focuses the same weak point they focused before, repeat until broken. If it sleeps, sleep bomb and have your range special shot the barrel if no GS/Hammer is present.
  • Behemoth cannot be flinch shot into the wall.

MHW Behemoth Attacks and Movesets

The Behemoth can perform the followingattack and movesets:

  • Meteor:Behemoth's Meteor attack is a spectacle of destruction. Marked by ominous atmospheric changes, this move culminates in a colossal Ecliptic Meteor. Hunters must discern the subtle signs and strategically position themselves behind comets scattered across the battlefield to survive this cataclysmic event.
  • Charybdis:Behemoth summons the forces of nature with its Charybdis move, generating tornadoes that roam the arena. These turbulent winds not only impede movement but also intensify Behemoth's spells. A keen eye and swift evasion are essential for avoiding the tornado's grasp.
  • Thunderbolt:Behemoth showcases its magical prowess with the Thunderbolt attack. Hunters must be vigilant as Behemoth charges, signaling an impending electrical discharge. Dodging these bolts is crucial to prevent substantial damage and avoid debilitating Thunderblight.
  • Comet Impact:Behemoth employs Comet Impact to unleash devastating shockwaves in its vicinity. These shockwaves emanate from the impact point of the behemoth's powerful attacks. Hunters need to maintain awareness of the battlefield and execute precise dodges to evade the ensuing destruction.
  • Tail Swipe: Behemoth's Tail Swipe is a sweeping maneuver capable of incapacitating hunters caught in its path. The range and power of this attack demand well-timed dodges or effective blocking for survival. Recognizing the tail's movements is key to evading this punishing blow.
  • Enrage Mode:When Behemoth enters Enrage mode, its aggression escalates, and the frequency of its devastating attacks intensifies. Hunters must adapt to the heightened challenge, staying vigilant and seizing opportunities to strike during brief openings in Behemoth's onslaught.

Behemoth Battle

  • Phase 1- The battle will start in the cave with 2 destructible stalactites each doing about 1.7k, this will be the easiest and quickest phase if you manage to get even one of them to hit behemoth, he will only use Meteor and Charybdis in this phase.
  • Phase 2- He will run to the next zone, where the first person who enters with be met with a Charybdis cast or a meteor and most of the Enmity. in this phase he will use his skills more often and sometimes in rapid succession and his meteor will now target all hunters. he gains two new moves Thunderbolt and Comet. Thunderbolt can and usually is used 3 times in a row, but its possible to blind him and stop the triple cast. Once Comet falls you MUST make sure that at least one rock stays up to hide behind when he uses ecliptic meteor at the end of the phase or you will instantly becarted.
  • Phase 3 - He will run again and there you will be met with objects that can be used to mount without an IG (Its not confirmed but I'm almost positive they cannot shield you from ecliptic meteor then even if they manage to stay up). same as phase 2 you must make sure at least one rock is up to have any chance of surviving at the end of the phase.
  • Phase 4 - He will run one last time to the nergi nest, there here will stand waiting for you, both destructible walls are already broken down. similar to phase 2-3. you must survive yet again and this time finally kill him and carve from the remains.
  • It is worth noting that if everyone leaves the zone he is currently in he will begin to regenerate health.
  • He may flee into the zone with heat hazard, so bring cold drinks, if he does run to this zone, he may run back to his previous zone after the 3rd phase.
  • The ecliptic meteor, while not map wide, is far enough to reach all adjacent zones, you will not be able to run from the blast nor can you escape by any conventional means such as fast-traveling to camp (be it via farcaster or wingdrakes). Item usage is locked as soon as Behemoth casts ecliptic meteor, likewise anyone who are foolish enough to try and stay in camp area's tent will be booted out of the tent automatically, rendering any of these options obsolete. It is, however, possible to bypass ecliptic meteor's effect by eating in the canteen should one be close enough to a canteen table.
  • you can control how the behemoth moves while mounted, depending on which section you're clinging to. If you aren't familiar with these patterns, it's highly inadvisable to mount behemoth for prolonged periods of time (ergo infinite mount strategy) as Behemoth will continue to thrash around more erratically the longer it is mounted
  • It is highly recommended to put the Behemoth to sleep under a boulder in Phase 1. The boulder's damage will be doubled as a wake up hit akin to any other source of damage, surpassing several Mega barrel bomb worth of damage combined. Likewise, using both boulders in Phase 1 will essentially allow for a faster run overall.
  • Do notassume any of yourrandom party members will flash to cancel Charybdis; always assume your due diligence/ responsibility of flashing a Charybdis aimed at you personally and be proactive on finding an area's edge to go to in case Behemoth's head clips through a wall thus rendering flash cancelling Charybdis impossible. Sole focus on damage dealing is neither useful nor helpful; do not be "that guy".
  • Always do a head count prior to starting a random hunt; if there is a support tank in there (e.g. barroth lance user with guard up/ guard 5, etc) then let them gain enmity. If and when the system works, this will cause behemoth to cast Charybdis on a much lesser frequency as well as ensuring Behemoth only casting meteor on said tank.

    Any IG or S&S hunters in the midst should always aim to finish mounting as soon as possible, instead of the mythical infinite mount strategy as enmity resets after a few minutes. Wasting enmity active time would only cause more sporadic Charybdis and meteors being cast on the long run. Stay on your lanes.

Kinsect Spots

  • Green: Neck, Torso, and Back
  • Red: Forearms
  • Orange: Head and Tail
  • White: Hind(back) legs

Behemoth Weaknesses

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each ailment

Weakness Level ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each damage type

Weak Point
Horns (Breakable) ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Claws (Breakable) ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Tail (Severable) ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

Detailed weakness information(Legend Explanation:here)

Credits toAsteriskAmpersand, Deathcream and MoonBunnie.

Behemoth Low and High Rank Carves

Defeating this monster allows the player to carve the following items:

Behemoth Carves

Carves Frequency
Behemoth Mane (dropped, carved) High Rank⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Behemoth Bone High Rank⭐⭐⭐⭐
Behemoth Tail (cut tail) High Rank⭐⭐⭐
Behemoth Shearclaw (forelegs broken) High Rank⭐⭐⭐
Behemoth Great Horn (Horn Broken) High Rank⭐⭐

Behemoth Rewards

Rewards Frequency
Behemoth Bone High Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Behemoth Mane High Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Behemoth Shearclaw High Rank ⭐⭐⭐
Behemoth Tail High Rank ⭐⭐
Behemoth Great Horn High Rank ⭐
Aetheryte Shard High Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Behemoth Weapons & Armor

Armor and Weapons related to the Behemoth Monster.

  • Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (26)Gae BolgBehemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (27)558 Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (28)240 Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (29)10%Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (30)EBBehemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (31)
    • Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (32)True Gae BolgBehemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (33)589 Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (34)300Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (35)20%Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (36)EBBehemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (37)
  • Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (38) Dragon Soul(Kinesect)Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (39)BlaBehemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (40)12Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (41)11Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (42)1
    • Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (43) True Dragon Soul(Kinesect)Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (44)BlaBehemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (45)15Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (46)14Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (47)1
  • Gold Chocobo Rod α(Palico Weapon)
  • Moogle Armor (Palico Armor)

Behemoth Armor

Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (48)

Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (49)Drachen Alpha Armor Set (α)

Set Bonus: Soul of the Dragoon

Notes & Trivia

  • Behemoth is a Free DLC update in collaboration with Final Fantasy XIV. The Behemoth is a monster that has recurred since its first appearances as a boss in Final Fantasy II, and typically appears towards the end of the game as a very powerful enemy. It bestows an unmatched physical strength and is able to cast many of the most powerful spells in the series.
  • It is known as the "Demon Beast."

Behemoth render.

Behemoth icon.

Large Monsters

Acidic GlavenusAlatreonAncient LeshenAnjanathAzure RathalosBanbaroBariothBarrothBazelgeuseBeotodusBlack DiablosBlackveil Vaal HazakBrachydiosBrute TigrexCoral Pukei-PukeiDeviljhoDiablosDodogamaEbony OdogaronFatalisFrostfang BariothFulgur AnjanathFurious RajangGlavenusGold RathianGreat GirrosGreat JagrasJyuratodusKirinKulu-Ya-KuKulve TarothKushala DaoraLavasiothLegianaLeshenLunastraNamielleNargacugaNergiganteNightshade PaolumuOdogaronPaolumuPink RathianPukei-PukeiRadobaanRaging BrachydiosRajangRathalosRathianRuiner NergiganteSafi'jiivaSavage DeviljhoScarred Yian GarugaSeething BazelgeuseShara IshvaldaShrieking LegianaSilver RathalosStygian ZinogreTeostraTigrexTobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuUragaanVaal HazakVelkhanaViper Tobi-KadachiXeno'jiivaYian GarugaZinogreZorah Magdaros

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Behemoth | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)


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