Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)


Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (1)
Enemy Type Large Monsters
Species Brute Wyverns
Elements None
Ailments Blastscourge
Weakness Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (3)Ice⭐⭐⭐
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (4)Water⭐⭐
Resistances Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (5)Fire (immune)
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (6)Thunder⭐
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (7)Dragon⭐
Location(s) Elder's Recess
Tempered Lv. 2

Brachydios is aLarge Monster in Monster Hunter World (MHW). ブラキディオス(Burakidiosu) in Japanese.The Brachydios is a green-hued brute wyvern, notorious for its relentless pursuit and explosive attacks. With powerful punches and eruptions of volatile slime, this tenacious creature demands precision and agility from hunters. Beware its explosive onslaught in the ever-changing landscapes of the New World.

This marine-blue brute wyvern uses its saliva to prime the sticky slime coating its massive arms, rendering it highly explosive."

Brachydios Details & Locations

  • Found in: Elder's Recess, The Guiding Lands
  • Target of Quests:A Smashing Cross Counter, Secret of the Ooze, Blast Warning In Effect!, Big Burly Bash, Festival of Explosions, Special Arena: MR Brachydios, We Run This Town, Scores of Ores, Alt Rock Recess
  • Is hostile when approached, will roar two times as a warning before attacking.
  • Has Turf Wars with:Azure Rathalos, Rathalos, Odogaron, Ebony Odogaron, Tigrex, Brute Tigrex, Zinogre, Stygian Zinogre
  • Size:Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (8)1434.88~Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (9)2038.19
  • See Raging Brachydios fora special variation.
  • Species : Brute Wyverns.
  • HP: ~19,136(Solo), ~30,767(Duo), ~45,926(3 or 4 players)

Brachydios Combat Info

  • Kinsect Extracts:
    • Red: Head, Arms
    • Orange: Body, Tail
    • White: Legs
  • Enraged mode: Green slime will turn yellow
  • Monster stomps slime prints that explode when they turn red.
    • The slime prints are also acidic and will deal chip damage on touch. They may also cause Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (10)Blastscourge
    • Some of the slime prints are thicker than the others. Walking through them will impede the hunter's movement.
    • Blast Resistance will help prevent Blastscourge. Full immunity is advised, as Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (11)Blastscourge is very hard to get rid of (4-5 rolls)
  • Hitting Brachydios' hands with Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (12)Water or Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (13)Ice damage will wash off the slime, preventing explosions and slime from that hand, until Brachydios reapplies the slime with its mouth.
    • Brachydios' hands can also be broken, permanently preventing it from coating the respective hand with slime. Its head can also be broken, however, it takes tremendeous damage for it to break
    • For whatever reason, even if Brachydios' hands aren't covered with slime, they can still cause Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (14)Blastscourge.
  • When in his enraged mode, the slime will starts off yellow and turns red much faster, exploding within a few seconds
    • Brachydios also gains two new attacks, one sees him blasting a long straight line with an instant explosion, the other sees him slam his fists and head in the ground to create explosions all around him

MHW Brachydios Attacks & Moveset

The Brachydios can attack hunters with the following movesets:

  • Slime Punch Combo: Brachydios executes a series of powerful punches with its slime-covered fists, leaving behind explosive slime patches.
  • Tail Swipe: A sweeping tail attack with an extended range. Brachydios can perform this move to catch unsuspecting hunters behind it.
  • Jumping Slam: Brachydios jumps into the air and slams down with significant force. Hunters need to evade quickly to avoid being caught in the impact zone.
  • Explosive Slam: A powerful ground-pound attack that creates a shockwave and leaves explosive slime in its wake. Evade or block to avoid taking damage.
  • Charge: Brachydios charge towards hunters, covering a considerable distance. Evading or blocking are effective strategies to avoid getting hit.
  • Blastscourge Explosion: When inflicted with Blastscourge, Brachydios causes a more powerful explosion. Hunters must roll multiple times to remove the explosive substance.
  • Leaping Attack: Brachydios leaps forward, aiming to crush hunters beneath its weight. Timing evasive maneuvers is crucial to avoid this damaging move.
  • Tail Spin Combo: Brachydios spins while swinging its tail, delivering a series of quick strikes. This attack covers a wide area and requires precise dodging.
  • Quick Slam: Brachydios performs a swift ground slam with its forelimbs, causing a localized explosion. Evade or block to minimize damage.
  • Running Uppercut: A charging uppercut attack that can catch hunters off guard. Anticipate the move and position yourself accordingly to avoid the impact.

Brachydios Weaknesses

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each ailment

Weakness Level ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

Each ⭐star shown below represents more weakness to each damage type

Weak Point
Head (Breakable) ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Forelegs (Breakable) ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐
Tail (Severable) ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐

Detailed weakness information(Legend Explanation:here)

Credits toAsteriskAmpersand, Deathcream and MoonBunnie.

Brachydios Master Rank Carves

Defeating this monster allows the player to carve the following items:

Brachydios Carves

Carves Frequency %
Brachydios Cortex(Dropped) Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 32% (28%)
Fine Brachydios Ebonshell Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 24
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (26)Brachydios Pounder+ Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐ 19%
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (27)Brachydios Crown Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐ 14%
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (28)Brachydios Lash (Tail Carved) Master Rank ⭐⭐ 9% (70%)
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (29)Glowing Slime (Dropped) Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐ 14% (50%)
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (30)Brachydios Pallium (Tail Carved) Master Rank ⭐ 2% (3%)

Brachydios Rewards

Rewards Frequency %
Brachydios Cortex Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 32%
Fine Brachydios Ebonshell Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 24%
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (33)Glowing Slime Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐ 14%
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (34)Brachydios Pounder+ (Break Forelegs) Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐ 19% (97%)
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (35)Brachydios Crown (Break Head) Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐ 14% (66%)
Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (36)Brachydios Lash Master Rank ⭐⭐ 9%
Heavy Dragonvein Bone Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐ 63% if slain, 37% if captured
Glossy Ebonshell Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐ 37% if slain, 63% if captured
Spiritvein Solidbone Master Rank⭐⭐⭐ 30%
Spiritvein Gem Master Rank⭐⭐ 9%
Tempered Ebonshell Master Rank ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 61%

Brachydios Weapons & Armor

Armor and Weapons related to the Brachydios Monster.


  • Brachydios Shot I
  • Brachydios Shot II
  • Brachydios Scimitar I
  • Brachydios Scimitar II
  • Dios Cannon
  • Atom Cannon
  • Dios Smasher I
  • Dios Smasher II
  • Dios Flier
  • Tsali Flier
  • Brachydios Horn I
  • Brachydios Horn II
  • Brachydios Buster I
  • Brachydios Buster II
  • Dios Strongarm
  • Volatile Blade
  • Dios Edge
  • Booming Barrage
  • Dios Tailhammer
  • Brachy Tailhammer
  • Dios Rod
  • Electrorod
  • Dios Blade
  • Brach Attack
  • Dios Halberd I
  • Dios Halberd II
  • Gama Drill II
  • Brachydios Blasters I
  • Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (70)Brachydios Blasters II


Brachydios Alpha + Armor Set

Set Bonus: Brachydios Essence

Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (72)

Brachydios Beta + Armor Set

Set Bonus: Brachydios Essence

Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (74)

Notes & Trivia

  • It is known as the "Crushing Wyvern".
  • Its name comes from the latin Brachium that means "Arm" and when translated into Japanese, the word resembles obsidian, which is what Brachydios' shell is made of.
  • It is the second monster (after Viper Tobi-Kadachi) to add a status effect not seen in the base game of Monster Hunter World.
    • However, unlike Viper Tobi-Kadachi,it is (currently) the only monster that can inflict the status effect it introduces, that beingBrachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (75)Blastscourge.
  • It has a powered-up and more dangerous version called Raging Brachydios.
  • The Brachydios was first introduced to the series in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, for the Wii and the 3DS.
  • Brachydios is capable of inflicting an enhanced version of Blastblight known as Blastscourge, resulting in more potent explosions that persist for an extended duration, requiring additional rolling efforts to eliminate.

Brachydios render.

Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (77)

Brachydios Icon.

Large Monsters

Acidic GlavenusAlatreonAncient LeshenAnjanathAzure RathalosBanbaroBariothBarrothBazelgeuseBehemothBeotodusBlack DiablosBlackveil Vaal HazakBrute TigrexCoral Pukei-PukeiDeviljhoDiablosDodogamaEbony OdogaronFatalisFrostfang BariothFulgur AnjanathFurious RajangGlavenusGold RathianGreat GirrosGreat JagrasJyuratodusKirinKulu-Ya-KuKulve TarothKushala DaoraLavasiothLegianaLeshenLunastraNamielleNargacugaNergiganteNightshade PaolumuOdogaronPaolumuPink RathianPukei-PukeiRadobaanRaging BrachydiosRajangRathalosRathianRuiner NergiganteSafi'jiivaSavage DeviljhoScarred Yian GarugaSeething BazelgeuseShara IshvaldaShrieking LegianaSilver RathalosStygian ZinogreTeostraTigrexTobi-KadachiTzitzi-Ya-KuUragaanVaal HazakVelkhanaViper Tobi-KadachiXeno'jiivaYian GarugaZinogreZorah Magdaros

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Brachydios | Monster Hunter World Wiki (2024)


Why do Raging Brachydios do so much damage? ›

One of the key features of raging (and normal) brachy is that his slime will trigger the explosion if you get hit by something else (usually one of his attacks or slim puddle exploding) leading to basically double damage. So blast resistance 3 is quite useful for that.

How to unlock Raging Brachydios special assignment? ›

The special assignment for Raging Brachydios can be accepted by talking to the Tracker once you have finished the Recon Assignment after the ending of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.

What armor is good against Brachydios? ›

Brachydios Strategy
Ideal Armor PiecesIdeal WeaponsIdeal Decorations
Best: Master Rank Uragaan Armor (Highest Defense, Highest Fire Resistance)Best: Ice Weapons like Master Rank BeotodusBlast Resist Jewels, Evasion Jewels, Partbreaker Jewels, Vitality Jewels, Defense Jewels
1 more row
Sep 10, 2019

What is the strongest enemy in Monster Hunter World? ›

Arguably one of the most difficult foes to take down in the entire series, Extreme Behemoth (or 'Extremoth', as he's affectionately known by players) is an absolute titan that effortlessly ranks as Monster Hunter World's hardest monster.

What is the highest damage weapon type in Monster Hunter world? ›

Great Swords are the heavy hitters, capable of dishing out the most damage possible. With their long range and high damage, these weapons are good for knocking down big foes or obliterating little ones. It's great for players who want to make their hits count.

What is Brachydios weak against? ›

Brachydios is weakest against ice. While not as weak to it, water can wash off the slime off Brachydios. Brachydios gives you Blastscourge which is more powerful than Blastblight.

Is Raging Brachydios easy? ›

If you attack the legs, you'll end up hitting the fore arms as Brachy steps back. Other than that, Raging Brachy isn't that hard. It attacks relentlessly, but the attacks themselves are slow so they're easily telegraphed. Health Augment does help a ton in the final area when you're constantly taking tick damage.

What is Velkhana's weakness? ›

Velkhana Weaknesses

Velkhana is weakest to the Fire element. As for ailments, it's most susceptible to Blast and somewhat susceptible to Fireblight attacks.

What is Tigrex weak to? ›

Tigrex might be fast, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't have any protection. In fact, the only real weakness Tigrex has is thunder, which may be a little difficult to come across unless you repeatedly hunt monsters outside of Iceborne at Master Rank.

Is ahtal ka elder dragon level? ›

Ahtal-Ka. Though Ahtal-Ka is small in size, it is considered an Elder Dragon-Level Monster due to its tendency to raid and destroy heavily-armed fortresses. This is enough to compare it to Elder Dragons like Gogmazios.

Does heat guard work on raging brachydios? ›

Despite her puddles, light nova attacks and supernova attack being heat damage; heat guard and cool drinks have no affect on it.

Why is Raging Brachydios so big? ›

Raging Brachydios are extremely large compared to normal Brachydios, but are only slightly slower than them. This size difference stems from their advanced age. The main adaption that puts them apart from normal Brachydios is the large amount of slime mold found on their body.

What is the most difficult monster in Monster Hunter? ›

Elder Dragons are some of the most fearsome enemies in the Monster Hunter franchise. These are the strongest in the entire series, ranked. No matter how advanced a hunter's armor and weapons become, Teostra never becomes easier to fight.

What is the hardest wild hunt boss? ›

Imlerith is arguably the trickiest of the Wild Hunt, although the strategy for defeating him remains largely the same; dodge, roll, hit. Players should avoid attempting to parry or counter him and instead focus on slowly chipping away at his health.

What is the final boss in Monster Hunter World? ›

Xeno'Jiiva is Monster Hunter World's final boss and the last monster you'll face in the main story. Elsewhere, our Monster Hunter World tips can help you decide when to get, what to forage and what to do between hunts, and our Monster Hunter World walkthrough and guide can help with main quest and story progress.

What is the hardest quest in Monster Hunter? ›

Extremeoth is by far the hardest fight in the game. You actually NEED a full party of people who know what they're doing to beat him. Alatreon, who I would say is the second most difficult fight, doesn't require a party at all and is much easier to beat solo. you do NOT NEEED a party to beat extremoth.


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