How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (2024)

While Shopify is known primarily as a top-notch ecommerce platform for physical products, it also has a healthy market for digital items.

Contrary to popular expectations, it’s possible to use Shopify for digital products. There are many items that one can sell profitably on Shopify such as music, ebooks, stock images, and even Shopify themes.

If you’re new to Shopify for digital products or are not sure about how to set up a digital goods store, we’re here to help. This article provides the guidance you need, including the best types of digital goods to sell and key legal considerations you should know.


  • What is Shopify for digital products?
  • Why sell digital products on Shopify?
    • Significant sales opportunity
    • Low operating costs
    • High-profit potential
    • Unlimited stock
    • Global sales
  • Legal considerations for digital product sales
    • VAT and digital goods taxes
    • Terms and conditions
    • Illegal products
  • How to sell digital products on Shopify
    • Sign up for a Shopify account
    • Create your product
    • Set up digital product delivery
    • Upload your product to Shopify
  • Examples of digital products to sell on Shopify
    • Digital art and NFTs
    • Online courses
    • Templates and tools
    • Other products to sell
  • Conclusion

What is Shopify for digital products?

Shopify for digital items is an ecommerce category on Shopify where store owners can offer digital products to their customers.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (1)

Source: Pexels

Unlike physical Shopify products, digital goods require fewer fulfillment solutions and do not rely on a steady supply of stock. Instead, they comprise items — like software, digital art, and NFTs — that can be created once and sold again and again.

As a result, digital products are a hot ticketitem in the ecommerce world. According to research, the market for digital products is worth more than $950 billion, and its value is increasing yearly.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (2)

The demand for virtual products really took off in 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In that year alone, an estimated 2 billion peoplebought digital items online.

But the market has steadily grown since then, and the number of people using digital products has since increased by more than 54%compared to just 18.9% in 2019.

Today, more than $54 billionis spent on digital goods every year, according to research from JP Morgan, and that number will likely increase to $74 billion by 2025.

Shopify for digital products offers an attractive platform for entrepreneurs looking to build a niche in virtual goods sales.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (3)

Favored by sellers in 175 countries worldwide, Shopify is the go-to platform for anyone with dreams of selling profitably online. The platform has helped store owners generate $700 billionin sales since it launched in 2006.

With the ecommerce tools and support the website offers, you’ll have everything you need to begin selling digital products on the platform.

Why sell digital products on Shopify?

There are numerous advantages to using Shopify for digital product sales.

Significant sales opportunity

Digital items present a mouthwatering sales opportunity for new and existing sellers on Shopify.

Currently, physical products are far and away the most dominant product category on the platform. Reports indicate that 27.5% of storeson Shopify are focused on fashion ecommerce, 14.9% sell home and garden products, and 11.5% are in the beauty and fitness niche.

Arts and entertainment, which are niche for digital products like games and digital art, have way less competition.

With the growing global popularity of virtual goods, that lack of competition is good news for Shopify store owners.

Low operating costs

Digital products are relatively cheap to produce and maintain when compared to a store selling physical goods.

You have way less overhead since the production process is essentially one-and-done. There’s also no need to replenish stocks or ship products to buyers.

Every purchase in your store happens seamlessly and rapidly, taking only a few minutes from start to finish. And your buyers take instant possession of the products, eliminating the costs of shipping and delivery.

With a digital goods store, you can save on these operating costs and plug them instead into developing more versions of your products to unlock even more sales.

High-profit potential

Digital products are high-margin items. While they can take time and money to develop, they easily produce high returns once they go on sale.

For example, the average revenue earned per user for ebook sales is about $16. Assume it costs $150 to write, proof, and design a digital recipe book. It means with sales from just 10 customers, you can recoup your entire cost of production and begin to earn pure profit.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (4)

Even better, digital products are unlike physical items that typically have a fixed market price range. While high-end smartphone cases generally cost about $20, there’s no price limit for what you can charge on things like software, digital art, NFTs, or ebooks.

This means you can potentially make whatever profit justifies your costs and the value you place on the item.

Unlimited stock

You’ll never run out of stock when selling digital items — unless you’re selling items like digital art and NFTs, which are unique by nature.

But for other things like stock images, online courses, ebooks, software, and the majority of digital products, you can sell the same items thousands of times.

You don’t have to worry about complex supply chains or the hassles of sourcing products from halfway across the world. This also cuts out the cost of resupply and helps you keep more money in your pocket.

Global sales

Lastly, digital product sales have no geographical limitation. You can sell from anywhere in the world to buyers in any country globally.

You don’t have to worry about things like export or import rules, product packaging, shipping times, or returns logistics.

But that’s not to say that using Shopify for digital products is entirely concern-free. There are still things to keep in mind, especially from the legal and sales perspectives.

Let’s start with some legal considerations to note for virtual item sales on Shopify.

Legal considerations for digital product sales

Although digital items do not bring concerns about packaging or export/import rules, there are other legal considerations required for these items.

VAT and digital goods taxes

VAT or value-added tax is a consumption tax that is charged in most countries worldwide. It is a tax on the consumption of goods and services that is required to be charged at the time of sale.

There are two aspects to consider when it comes to VAT: local VAT and foreign VAT. For local VAT, you should keep in mind that some countries require most businesses to charge VAT when selling products in the country.

While there may be some rules that exempt certain businesses, you should speak with a tax advisor to understand your VAT obligations.

On foreign VAT, many countries also charge tax on products or services that are offered to foreign buyers. This means including the tax at the prescribed rate on your invoices.

At the same time, some foreign countries, like those in the EU, expect you to charge VAT when offering products to buyers in that country. This tax is often called a digital goods tax.

Again, some products may be exempt from the digital goods tax. If you believe that your product should be exempt, Shopify provides guidance on how to exclude the digital tax from applying.

Terms and conditions

It’s important to think about the terms on which you intend to offer your digital products for sale. These are also called terms and conditions.

Some of the key matters to address in your terms and conditions include:

  • The permitted use to which your virtual goods can be put. It is common to see store owners specify that products like software must not be used for illegal purposes.
  • Rules regarding infringement on your intellectual property or that of others. Digital products can be easy to pirate, so make sure you protect yourself adequately by the terms and conditions.
  • Considerations for resolving disputes relating to the products. You’ll address issues such as what happens if the customer breaches the terms and conditions.

Illegal products

Finally, you should be aware that there are strict rules for selling illegal products online. Some digital products are not allowed for sale on Shopify such as x-rated movies or products that violate others’ intellectual property.

When developing your digital items for sale, you should be extra careful to avoid using copyrighted material. If you absolutely need to use protected material, then it’s best to ask for permission upfront.

Offering illegal or copyright-infringing items for sale can expose you to legal liability or cause your products to be removed from Shopify. So, it’s important to be careful.

How to sell digital products on Shopify

With the preliminaries all done, let’s turn next to the process required to sell digital products on Shopify.

Sign up for a Shopify account

Begin by signing up for a Shopify account. You can take things easy by starting off with this free 3-day trial. Select any one of the themes available in Shopify’s theme store and begin the process of creating your own store.

As you set up your storefront, don’t be afraid to experiment with the range of free and paid themes available. You’ll likely come across a few crowd favorites like Studiowhich is free and gorgeous to look at, and Publisherwhich is perfect for digital art, ebooks, and fashion photography.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (5)

Source: Publisher theme

Create your product

Next, get started on creating your digital product. By now, you should already know what type of digital product you want to sell and how to go about creating it. If you’re still unsure, take a moment to think about this.

Ideally, you should choose a product that people would love to buy, and which you can create with high quality. You can also consider outsourcing some aspects of the creation process, such as the final design, to professional freelancers.

Set up digital product delivery

To sell digital products on Shopify, you’ll need to download a made-for-purpose app called “DDA - Digital Downloads” from the Shopify app store.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (6)

This app is popular amongst digital goods sellers due to its built-in protective features. For example, it offers digital PDF stamping which is a big security feature that protects your product from unauthorized file sharing.

It also comes with email and order tracking, fast upload and download enhancements, and the ability to set release dates for your digital items.

Upload your product to Shopify

Once you’ve created your product, you should add it to your Shopify store. Do this by going to your dashboard and clicking “All products”.

You’ll need to fill in the name and description of the product. Also, be sure to mark it as a digital product so there’s no mixup on what you’re offering.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (7)

Here’s a more detailed guideexplaining how to set up a Shopify store as you work towards offering digital products for sale on Shopify.

After uploading the product, don’t just launch into selling straight off. Take some time to go over your store once more and test each part of the buyer journey so you’re certain that customers will get the experience you want them to.

Examples of digital products to sell on Shopify

Digital art and NFTs

Digital art can be a really valuable product to sell online. Despite recent drops in the volume and value of NFT transactions around the world, the value of digital art transactions in 2022 was still an eye-watering $11 billion.

You can create attractive pieces and showcase them using specialized Shopify themes like the Studio theme.

💡Quick read:Top 50 Shopify Art Storesfor all the inspiration you’ll ever need.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (8)

Source: Studio theme

Online courses

MOOCS or massive open online courses changed the learning industry. They made knowledge available to everyone through affordable and easily accessible short courses. Considering this, it’s no surprise that the online learning industry has grown into a $380 billion industry.

If you have skills or knowledge that people would pay to learn, consider creating a course and offering it for sale online. You can choose to design and sell a standalone short course or piece several lessons together to create a large, impactful course that people will gain value from.

Nicolesyis a Shopify store that sells online courses for photographers, helping them improve their art and use modern photography tools.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (9)

Source: Nicolesy

Nicolesy presents a simple proposition to its customers. It markets itself as a valuable resource for digital photography resources and it delivers excellently on this using a mix of digital products.

Buyers can go to the store to purchase books, tutorials, and photography presets i.e. pre-fixed settings that help photographers achieve specific looks in one click. They can also purchase textures which, like presets, offer a range of prepared effects and overlays that users can apply immediately.

Templates and tools

Be it blog formats, newsletter templates, recipes, or quick checklists, people are always looking for ways to save time and automate their work. Templates offer value in a simple, handy resource. So, they’re a really popular digital item.

To maximize your sales, consider using your template products as value-add CTAs in articles that provide valuable information on topics that the template helps simplify.

For instance, if you write a blog on how to design newsletters, you’ll deliver more value (and earn more money) by plugging in a link to your newsletter template. Gauge Girl Trainingis an example of a store that sells meal plans, recipes, and ebooks.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (10)

Source: Gauge Girl Training

The store is supremely focused on giving its customers the power to take charge of their nutrition and achieve their desired wellness goals. It does this using a variety of resources including health challenges, meal plans, and extended courses designed to teach the fundamentals of nutrition.

But it’s not only about making money. The store also offers free resources, like a free body type quiz, to help visitors learn more about their nutritional profile and begin to understand their potential nutrition needs. If you’re looking to drive interest in your digital goods store, then this is one tactic you should research more closely.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (11)

Other products to sell

More digital products to sell on Shopify include:

  • Stock photos
  • Downloadable prints
  • Music
  • Audio files
  • Software
  • Design and branding services

💡 Quick read: for more inspiration before setting up your digital goods store.


Digital products can offer a quick and easy route into online selling. You won’t need to worry about shipping, maintaining inventory, or any of the associated overhead costs of selling physical items.

But keep in mind that digital items have their own unique considerations such as intellectual property and digital goods taxes. If you play within the rules and offer quality products, you’ll be well on your way to profitable sales by selling digital goods on Shopify.

As a seasoned expert in e-commerce and digital product marketing, I can attest to the immense potential and versatility that Shopify offers for selling not only physical products but also digital goods. Having worked with numerous entrepreneurs and businesses, I've witnessed firsthand the success stories of those who ventured into the thriving market of digital products on Shopify.

The concept of using Shopify for digital products is not just a trend but a strategic move backed by solid evidence. The article rightly points out that the market for digital products is booming, with a current worth of over $950 billion, and it continues to grow annually. The surge in demand for digital items, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, has reshaped the e-commerce landscape, making it an opportune time for sellers to explore the virtual goods market.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the article:

What is Shopify for Digital Products?


  • Shopify for digital products is an e-commerce category on the Shopify platform where store owners can offer digital products to customers.
  • Digital goods on Shopify include items like software, digital art, NFTs, and more.


  • Digital products require fewer fulfillment solutions compared to physical products.
  • They don't rely on a steady supply of stock and can be created once and sold repeatedly.
  • The market for digital products is valued at over $950 billion, presenting a lucrative opportunity for sellers.

Why Sell Digital Products on Shopify?


  1. Significant Sales Opportunity:

    • Digital items present a substantial sales opportunity, especially considering the lower competition in certain niches like arts and entertainment.
  2. Low Operating Costs:

    • Digital products have lower production and maintenance costs compared to physical goods.
    • The one-and-done production process reduces overhead, and there's no need to replenish stocks or handle shipping logistics.
  3. High-Profit Potential:

    • High-margin returns are achievable with digital products, and the potential for profit is not limited by a fixed market price range.
  4. Unlimited Stock:

    • Digital products can be sold repeatedly without worrying about stock shortages or complex supply chains.
  5. Global Sales:

    • Selling digital products has no geographical limitations, allowing sellers to reach buyers worldwide without concerns about shipping or import/export rules.

Legal Considerations for Digital Product Sales on Shopify:

  1. VAT and Digital Goods Taxes:

    • Considerations for local VAT and foreign VAT when selling digital products internationally.
    • Shopify provides guidance on excluding digital tax if applicable.
  2. Terms and Conditions:

    • Importance of clearly defining the permitted use of virtual goods, rules against intellectual property infringement, and dispute resolution mechanisms.
  3. Illegal Products:

    • Strict rules against selling illegal or copyright-infringing products on Shopify.

How to Sell Digital Products on Shopify:

  1. Sign up for a Shopify Account:

    • Start with a free trial and choose a suitable theme for your store.
  2. Create Your Product:

    • Choose a digital product that is marketable and of high quality.
  3. Set Up Digital Product Delivery:

    • Use the "DDA - Digital Downloads" app from the Shopify app store for secure and protected digital product delivery.
  4. Upload Your Product to Shopify:

    • Add the product to your store, clearly marking it as a digital product.

Examples of Digital Products to Sell on Shopify:

  1. Digital Art and NFTs:

    • Leveraging specialized themes like Studio for showcasing digital art.
  2. Online Courses:

    • Creating and selling online courses on various subjects.
  3. Templates and Tools:

    • Offering templates for blogs, newsletters, recipes, etc., as valuable resources.
  4. Other Products:

    • Stock photos, downloadable prints, music, audio files, software, and design services.


In conclusion, Shopify for digital products is an enticing opportunity for entrepreneurs to tap into the rapidly growing market of virtual goods. The platform's global reach, low operating costs, and high-profit potential make it an ideal choice for those looking to establish a niche in digital product sales. However, sellers must navigate legal considerations diligently, including VAT and digital goods taxes, terms and conditions, and avoiding illegal products. With careful planning and adherence to legal guidelines, selling digital goods on Shopify can be a lucrative and rewarding venture.

How to Use Shopify for Digital Products - An Easy Guide (2024)


Can you use Shopify for digital products? ›

Along with physical goods, you can also sell digital goods on your Shopify store. Digital goods are often available to the customer immediately after they make their purchase. Some common digital products are online services and downloadable files, such as digital art, video, or audio clips.

How do I sell on Shopify for beginners? ›

How To Sell on Shopify: Setup to First Sale in 7 Steps
  1. Sign Up for Shopify's Free Trial. ...
  2. Select Your Sales Channels. ...
  3. Set Up Payments. ...
  4. Create Some Collection Pages. ...
  5. Add Some Items To Sell. ...
  6. Set Up Your Shopify Online Store. ...
  7. Place a Test Order and Go Live.
Feb 2, 2024

How to learn Shopify step by step? ›

Shopify Tutorial: A Detailed Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners
  1. Create an account with Shopify 💻
  2. Explore the Shopify admin screen 👑
  3. Choose and customize your theme 🎨
  4. Add your products 🛍️
  5. Configure nitty-gritty settings (shipping, payments, etc.) ⚙️
  6. Test your store 🛒
  7. Add a custom domain name 📢
Apr 19, 2024

What is the best platform to sell digital products? ›

Best e-commerce platforms for selling digital products in 2024
  • Thinkific. ...
  • Podia. ...
  • Sellfy. ...
  • Shopify. ...
  • Printify. ...
  • Payhip. ...
  • SendOwl. ...
  • SquareSpace. SquareSpace is a website-building platform that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for creating professional websites and online stores.
Feb 21, 2024

Is selling digital products on Shopify worth it? ›

Shopify is the easiest and most reputable way to create an ecommerce store for online digital products. You don't need any tech skills or a big budget, and you can choose from more than 100 templates with built-in features to get set up quickly.

How to setup a Shopify store for digital products? ›

Add a digital product
  1. From your Shopify admin, click Products.
  2. Click Add product.
  3. Enter the information for your digital product, such as Title, Description, and Pricing.
  4. In the Shipping section, uncheck the box next to This product requires shipping.

What's better, Etsy or Shopify? ›

Shopify is the better choice for e-commerce businesses that sell manufactured goods, since Etsy's niche is handmade goods and handicrafts. Shopify is also a better fit for high-volume sellers, since its transaction fees are quite a bit cheaper than Etsy's.

How much can I earn with Shopify as a beginner? ›

The average net profit margin for e-commerce businesses, which include Shopify stores, is around 10%. High performers can reach up to 20%, while lower margins sit at 5%​. ​Applying these margins to the average monthly revenue, we find: Low-end profit estimate: $5,583 x 5% = $279.15.

How much does Shopify take per sale? ›

Shopify charges 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction. However, the Shopify transaction fees depend on the plan you're using. For example, when you are on the Shopify pricing plan subscription, you will be charged 2.5% + 30¢ per transaction.

Can I learn Shopify for free? ›

Learn everything about Shopify for FREE, take action and start your business today! You will be able to start your own Shopify store, install a theme, customize it, add products, process orders, manage settings and many more.

Does Shopify have a tutorial? ›

After you register for a free trial, follow the initial setup guide to start using Shopify. The guide features step-by-step tutorials for the main tasks that you need to complete before you start selling. In addition to the initial setup guide, you can print the setup checklist to track your progress.

Is Shopify easy to use for beginners? ›

Conclusion. For beginners or businesses at the beginning stage, Shopify offers a perfect blend of simplicity, functionality, and scalability. Its user-friendly interface, quick setup process, minimal technical requirements, and a range of built-in features make it an ideal platform for those new to e-commerce.

What is the best platform to sell online for beginners? ›

Summary: Best Websites To Sell Your Stuff
CompanyCost to listMain product focus
eBayFree (up to 250 listings per month)Wide range of items to sell
Facebook MarketplaceFreeFurniture and other large items
Etsy20 cents per listingCrafts, jewelry and art-related products
PoshmarkFreeClothing and fashion accessories
5 days ago

What is the most purchased digital product on Etsy? ›

30 Most Popular Digital Products On Etsy
  • Recipe Cards. ...
  • Meal Planning Cards. ...
  • Colouring Books (Adults Or Kids) ...
  • Clip Arts. ...
  • Digital Papers. ...
  • Zoom Background. ...
  • Excel Templates. ...
  • Website Templates. For buyers who are looking to build their own website, website templates and themes are a quick way to get started.
Feb 25, 2024

Can I sell digital products on Shopify for free? ›

Out of the box, Shopify doesn't include digital download functionality. Instead, you need a Shopify app to sell your digital products on the platform. Luckily, it's totally free. The Shopify Digital Downloads app simplifies the selling of digital files (think ebooks, graphics, art, software, music, etc.).

Is Shopify just for physical products? ›

Hi there, Yes, Shopify is not just for physical goods; you can absolutely use it for your marketing and lead gen services. It's versatile enough to handle digital offerings like yours. To get more details on setting up your services, check out this link: Selling Services or Digital Products.

Is Shopify only for physical products? ›

You can sell both products (digital and physical) and services (virtual and in-person) on Shopify.

Can I dropship digital products? ›

Digital dropshipping is a model that allows you to sell digital products that you didn't create. And because the products are completely digital, there are some massive advantages. There's no physical inventory to manage — you can't run out of stock.


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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