Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (2024)

Decluttering is a job that should be done regularly – but of course, most of us don't have the time to rationalize and reorganize our drawers, cluttered corners, and over-stuffed rooms that often. In fact, for many of us, it's a once-a-year, post-Christmas event.

Decluttering a whole house so you can implement your home organizing ideas can seem incredibly overwhelming, but if you approach the job a little at a time and invest in some excellent storage ideas, it immediately becomes more manageable.

Here, we bring you a range of decluttering tips from experts in the field, from getting into the best mindset for the task to tackling your decluttering on a room-by-room basis.

Decluttering tips

Decluttering isn't just about clearing your home of clutter, period. For many of us, decluttering can have a positive impact on mental health. A recent survey of homeowners showed that44% of usexperience ‘mess-stress’ at least weekly and 72% of ‘naturally tidy’ people have experienced stress from an untidy home over the pandemic*. Furthermore, a cluttered house will make your house look cheap.

This is where our decluttering tips come in. Before you start decluttering, get yourself set.

Preparation and Mindset for Decluttering

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(Image credit: Getty Images)

Preparation and mindset are key to successfully organizing your home. When done correctly, decluttering can change your life. Below, we share our expert tips for getting into the right frame of mind for the task ahead:

Allocate a decluttering time

'Start off by allocating some time each day that works within your daily schedule; it could be five, 10, or 30 minutes. Setting a timer and putting my phone down helps keep distractions at bay and allows me to work through the area swiftly,' advises organizing guru Nicola Lewis of This Girl Can Organise.

'Establish a plan that you will stick to,' say the interior experts at WeThrift. 'Sit down and have a good think about how you are going to tackle your home organization; think about the day and time you would like to get this done. It would also be ideal to add some achievable and realistic goals – it can be as simple as scheduling 20-30 minutes to clear out a single drawer.

If you don't know where to start, try putting something like the boundary method into action. Tidying your junk drawer first is a productive start to a decluttered home and can help combat procrastination.

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (2)

Nicola Lewis

Nicola runs and is a professional declutterer and organizer. For the last six years, she’s enjoyed helping transform the lives of countless clients for the better, by organizing and decluttering their homes, both in person and virtually. She offers tips and advice on Instagram @thisgirlcanorganise

Make a list (and take before and after photos)

'Decluttering and organizing can seem overwhelming at first but the good news is, the more you do it, the easier it gets,' advises Kathryn Lord, Home Organizer from More To Organising

'Start by writing a list of the rooms and prioritize the ones you use the most or that cause you the most difficulties. Then within that room, do the same.

'Decluttering is a marathon and not a sprint. It’s easier to break it down into chunks and do little and often rather than try to do everything and lose motivation part way through.

'It is going to look worse before it gets better but if you take before and after photos, you will be able to see the amazing progress you have made.'

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (3)

Katherine Lord

Katherine helps busy parents organize their homes and routines with their children in mind. Not only an organizational expert, but Katherine is also a childcare expert too and has published a book, More To Organizing [available on Amazon], on organizing with children too.

Nominate 5 critical areas to declutter

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(Image credit: Utopia)

It may be that you don't need to declutter your entire house – or the thought is overwhelming. In this case, create a critical clutter list or a ta-da list to tackle chores.

'Choose five areas in your home that you want to review,' says Nicola Lewis. Still overwhelmed? Start with just one.

'We recommend starting by dividing clutter into priority categories,' say the experts at WeThrift. 'For example, you could start by organizing a bathroom vanity or your bedroom drawers. Start small and build your way up.

'Once you have created and established this plan, stick to it. It might be tempting to go to another room and start decluttering elsewhere but avoid this as it can decrease your chances of actually getting the job done.'

Set the scene with music

Before you start, Nicola Lewis recommends you put on some music or play a podcast for motivation. Music can help transform our living spaces and provide us with feel-good vibes: 'This will take you to your happy place and make the task more enjoyable.'

Have a decluttering phobia? Ask for help

Setting yourself the task of decluttering your home can be very difficult if organizing is new to you. Find comfort in knowing you can confide in close family and friends to help you to complete this.

Your friends won’t have the same attachment to items as you do; it might help you detach yourself from those said items, which will ultimately speed up the process to a clutter-free home.

Get donation, recycle, rubbish or 'sell' bags ready

Once you’ve determined which items no longer serve you, it's time to decide what to do with the items you have decluttered. Remove them and place them into a donation, upcycle, mend, or sell bags.

'It’s important to ensure your donation bag leaves the house,' says Nicola Lewis, 'You can sell unwanted items online, donate them to those in need, upcycle or mend older pieces to make them current and on-trend, or recycle your items responsibly.'

'One thing I always do before I start is make sure Ihave three bags ready: Donate, Recycle and Rubbish,' says KateIbbotson,founder ofdecluttering and organizing serviceA Tidy Mind. 'I always tell my clients not to have a "maybe" bag; instead, I have an "Action Box" for items that need mending, returning, etc, and a "Memory Box" for anything with sentimental value.

'Move your decluttered items out of the area and place them in a car (if possible) or at least by the front door. You should aim to donate/recycle/tip your decluttered items as soon as possible.'

Kate Ibbotson

KateIbbotson is a Professional Organizer and Founder of A Tidy Mind. Her professional mission is to help those who are overwhelmed by clutter and disorganization.

Take note from Marie Kondo: does it 'spark joy'?

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(Image credit: Birdie Fortescue)

Marie Kondo, the worldwide decluttering maestro, teaches that, though it's hard to part with items we've owned for a long time, working out whether they spark joy or not can make it easier to let them go.

To do this, ask yourself:

  • Why did I keep this in the first place?
  • Does it have sentimental value?
  • Do I use it frequently?
  • Will I use it again?
  • Do I own something similar?
  • Is it fit for purpose?
  • Could someone else make better use of it?

'Asking these key questions and being honest with yourself can help you make the choice to keep or let go,' say the experts at Packmate. However, inevitably, there will be items that you still find hard to let go of.

Ms Kondo has a solution that doesn't involve you throwing it away: failing to have a permanent home for your possessions is the most significant (andmost common) problem when it comes to keeping your home tidy.

'This is primarily because it increases clutter – which harms your cleaning efforts,' she told us exclusively.'The biggest reason people fall back to clutter is because the items that are used aren't put back in their proper place.'

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (7)

Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo is a tidying expert, professional organizer, and bestselling author. She is the star of the critically acclaimed Netflix show 'Tidying Up With Marie Kondo' and Founder of KonMari Media, Inc.

Practical Decluttering Tips and Techniques

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (8)

(Image credit: Carolyn Barber)

Make space by decluttering storage areas first

'Attics, basem*nts, or hard-to-reach areas at the top of closets are prime locations to stash something quickly to avoid dealing with it. If you’re serious about clearing your clutter, start with these areas first, and then you'll have enough space to store things that youactually need,' suggests Kate Ibbotson of A Tidy Mind.

The same applies to tackling hard-to-reach spots like window tracks and the most forgotten spring cleaning dirt spots, like baseboards and drains.

Declutter by seasonality

Much of your decluttering might be about looking at what hasn't been packed away but is out of season.

'Take your winter or summer duvet for example, over the months it’s not used, it would be a better solution to store this away in a space-saving and practical way,' say the experts at Packmate.

The same goes for out-of-season coats and clothes, shoes, and outdoor or sports wear. These can be stored neatly away when they're unlikely to be used for weeks or months. A closet organized by season can mean you spend less time looking for clothes that suit the weather every morning. That said, as you swap items into storage boxes by season – from summer to winter and back again – you have a great opportunity to sort what you want to keep for the season ahead from what you don't and can pass on.

Alternatively, you could learn how to organize a closet if you don't have seasonal storage.

Find new places for better storage at home

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(Image credit: Sharps)

Decluttering isn't just about throwing items away – it's about looking for opportunities to organize and store away everything you want to keep. So ask yourself, is the storage in my home maximized?

The answer to this question might range from learning how to lay out in a walk-in closet so that it's more efficient, or it may be that you need to utilize areas, such as under a bed, that haven't been used before. Either way, you will certainly need to look for clever storage buys to keep the clutter neat.

The best storage is arranged in subject groups – all out-of-season clothes in one place, for example – and is easily identifiable: labeled or see-through for quick identification. Space-saving options are a must – stackable boxes, vacuum-pack bags, and furniture that doubles up as storage, such as an ottoman with a lift-up lid. Bear in mind that lids or covers offer better protection from dust, dirt, and bugs than open storage.

'When space is tight, it’s important to be clever with your storage. Thinking vertically and using space you wouldn’t usually think of, such as somewall-mountedorover-doorstorage, frees up space on shelves and in cupboards,' advises Simon Glanville, managing director of A Place for Everything.

'Cluttered closets are a common space waster. Using amodular systemthat fits the size and shape of your room can help make the most of available space and avoid clutter.'

Another way to approach decluttering via storage is to think big picture.

'Decluttering a cramped room will make it appear larger and free up the floor area. The right choice of storage is key – opt for an open shelving unit with a minimalist frame, which keeps the wall space visible and adds to a tidy, uninterrupted scheme,' advises Victoria Atkin of Atkin and Thyme.

'Choose a larger unit than you think you might need, and place accessories sparingly to maintain a flowing display that draws, but doesn’t pause, the eye. For maximum effect, pick a unit crafted from light, organic materials like natural wood to create a clean, nature-inspired feel that will instantly uplift a tired space.'

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (10)

Simon Glanville

Simon Glanville is Managing Director of A Place for Everything, a company committed to offering unique quality storage products for homeowners. He works closely with the APDO (The Association of Professional Declutterers and Organizers) and regularly provides expert tips to top home publications.

Work decluttering into your daily routine

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (11)

(Image credit: Ca'Pietra)

'Placing bags or baskets around the home is a great tip for those who lead busy lifestyles and struggle to dedicate time each week to decluttering,' say the experts at Packmate. 'Using this method will help you to keep clutter under control and incorporate it into your daily routine.

'Simply placing a bag inside your closet to store clothes you don’t wear anymore will keep your hanging space clear, which will make it easier to choose an outfit.'

Use this idea around the house. Once the bags are full, it is time to donate or sell them.

Divide belongings by 'category' before 'room'

'When decluttering, it's a good idea to divide your belongings by category, not by room. This would be really helpful when you have all your books, for example, in one place and can evaluate which to take and which to leave,' says Kate Windleton, relocations manager at Strong Move.

Start small

'Don't try to declutter your whole house in a week – you'll exhaust and overwhelm yourself,' advises KateIbbotsonofA Tidy Mind. 'Declutter in bite-size chunks of 30 minutes and a couple of hours. Focus on contained spaces such as a drawer, kitchen cupboard, or shelf.Arm yourself with paper and a pen to make notes of "actions" and designate rubbish, recycling, and donation bags.'

The snowball decluttering method uses this technique to create motivational momentum and make this process less overwhelming. Clinical psychologist and founder ofUS Therapy Rooms, Dr. Daniel Glazer explains: 'By starting with a more manageable task, you gain confidence, shift your mindset, and overcome initial resistance or uncertainty around letting go of possessions.'

Have a decluttering area

'The easiest way tostartdeclutteringis to completely empty the space you are decluttering onto a flat surface,' advises Kate Ibbotson. 'This gives you the opportunity to give the area you are decluttering a quick clean before your start.'

Avoid the 'decluttering to sell' cycle

'It’s perfectly understandable to want to sellsecond-handitems if they promise a good return,' remarks Kate Ibbotson of A Tidy Mind. 'But, be honest about the time it takes to do so and whether you are willing and able to invest the energy. Don’t be one of those people who have bags hanging around for months (or years) containing items they intend to sell.'

Organizers and Storage Solutions

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (12)

(Image credit: Kimberly Harrison Interiors)

Shop for storage to neatly organize what you keep

The best storage solutions will vary depending on your needs, and it might be that you don't quite know what you need – from Mason jars to vacuum storage bags – until the decluttering is done. And that's okay – the decluttering is the important part; after it's done, you can assess closet-by-closet, room by room, the storage buys you need to put everything away neatly and in the right place.

Use separators to keep drawers organized

‘Kitchen and bedroom organizers, like drawer dividers, are the best organizing tools for these spaces. These are essential products if you have drawers,' says Georgia Metcalfe, co-founder and creative director atThe French Bedroom Company, who has teamed up withfounder ofDeclutter on Demand's Lizzie Grant. 'This equipment will help you maintain your structure and keep you from straying when you rush to put away the laundry.'

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (13)

Georgia Metcalfe

Georgia Metcalfe is Co-Founder and Creative Director atThe French Bedroom Company. She founded the online boutique in 2006 and her curated selection of furniture has been described by many as “antiques of the future”.

Invest in good-looking 'clutter' baskets

If the donation-bag-in-closet idea appeals but you want something more permanent and aesthetically pleasing, think: storage baskets.

'Baskets are perfect for hallway storage of items like hats, gloves, scarves – they’re probably the only ‘breathable’ type of box storage so useful to get the air flowing,' says Craig Sammells of storage specialists Orthex.

'They’re really handy too for items you want to grab as you’re going out of the door, like tissues, sunglasses, or wipes. Look for baskets with lids, as they’re great for stacking, and also those that come with reusable labels – they take the guesswork out of reaching for items when you’re in a rush.

'Think about having a labelled basket for each member of the family, particularly the kids, then they can find their own hats and mittens! If they’re too young to read, you could use their favorite stickers to mark their label or mark with a color.

'Search for baskets that have smooth interior walls – this will help ensure your delicate hats and scarves don’t get snagged when you remove them.'

Decluttering The Kitchen

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(Image credit: Future PLC)

Before you start decluttering the kitchen

'Before you do anything, open up all the cabinets and take a good look,' advises VickySilverthorn, professional organizer from You Need A Vicky. 'Why? Many people start organizing a kitchen by taking everything out of the cupboards and putting on the countertops. Trust me this will fill the space quicker than you think.

'Instead, take a look at what you have in the cupboards and think to yourself, "Do I really need that serving platter in that space all year round? Or should I put it into home storage and put something more practical there instead for easy access as I use them more frequently?"'

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (15)

Vicky Silverthorn

Vicky Silverthorn has been a professional organizer for over 10 years, helping people from all walks of life to declutter and organize their homes. As an expert in the industry, she believes that your wellbeing starts at home; if your home is in shape, other elements of your life will follow. Vicky has writtenStart with your Sock Drawer, an Amazon bestselling bookon living a less cluttered life.

Arrange your kitchen like a shop

'Organize yourkitchenlike a shop– rearrange your cabinets and organize the refrirefriger so that you have items with the closest use-by date to the front, and push items with longer dates to the back,' says VickySilverthorn, professional organizer. When you do a shop, put the new items at the back. And if you find food that’s about to reach its use-by date that you can’t use, don’t forget to take it to the food bank.'

'With dried foods, I love to have see-through containers as you can easily see what you are running low on,' says Kathryn Lord. 'Always rotate the food within the container so the oldest food gets used first.'

Declutter kitchen appliances

Organize kitchen appliances at the same time as decluttering the rest of your kitchen and get rid of any you no longer use on a regular basis.

'Any appliances you don’t use, either commit to using it or get rid of,' says home organizer Kathryn Lord. 'That smoothie maker? When did you last use it? Why not always have a smoothie for breakfast with your children on a Sunday, pull out the recipe books or invent your own?'

Declutter the pantry

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (16)

(Image credit: Interior by Sarah Brown / Photograph by Chris Snook)

Organizing a pantry, particularly a large one, and especially organizing deep pantry shelves, is the biggest challenge when tackling kitchen decluttering. The solution is good visibility, which will stop you buying more than you need,' says Juliette Thomas, Founder & Director of Juliettes Interiors.

'Label everything! I love to use jars to store large commodities such as pasta and flour. These look great on the shelves and are practical too.Watch out for the expiry dates and declutter the out-of-date items. Don't over stock. Too much is wasted – we only need one of each item or a refill on the way!'

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (17)

Juliette Thomas

Juliette is the founder and creative director of theLondon-based interior designandluxury furniture retail company, Juliettes Interiors. Juliette has been designing and offering unique exclusive interiors and furnishings since 2005.

Declutter kitchen drawers and cabinets

The best way to organize kitchen drawers and organize kitchen cabinets is to empty them onto a clear, flat surface, putting aside items you no longer want. Once you have vacuumed and wiped out the drawers, improve the kitchen storage ideas within them to ensure clutter can't get out of hand again.

'Always use kitchen organizers like a utensil divider for organizing kitchen drawers. There’s nothing worse than opening a drawer to items that don’t have a home,' advises Juliette Thomas. 'Make sure you organize in a way that will have you finding the things you’re looking for instantly – no one has time to go rummaging in drawers. Have separate sections for utensils that cut, cutlery, graters and zesters.

'Keep the top drawers for the items used the most, and lower drawers for items not so often used. Keep items in sectional order, ie, what their use is by department. This way you can easily know where to quickly find what you’re looking for.

'Have a large pan drawer built into your kitchen to organize pots and pans, preferably close to where you’ll be cooking. Ideally you want your kitchen to function as best as possible, so try to organize your cupboards in an efficient way – for example, having glasses near the drinks area and utensils near the stove. Use pan protectors so you can stack your plans neatly without scratching them which will mean you have more space.'

Declutter kitchen countertops

If you want to organize kitchen countertops, decluttering first is essential. 'Keep out what you use on a daily basis. Otherwise, put away other items,' says Juliette Thomas. 'Kitchens are at their best when decluttered, giving more surface space to use and an overall tidy, contemporary look to show off the kitchen rather than the clutter.Put away spices, coffee/tea, oils, and so on. Completely declutter.

'Keep surfaces tidy. Make sure there’s a home for everything so nothing gets left on the side.'

Declutter the dining room

Though we might like to think ourdining roomsare designed exclusively for enjoying meals, it's often too easy for household clutter to pile up on the dining table itself.

'Begin by clearing surfaces such as tables and counters,' recommendsJanelle Cohen, professional organizer and creator of Straighten it Up. 'This creates a more visually appealing and spacious atmosphere.'

Once your dining table is clear, consider creating separate drop zones in your kitchenor mud room to alleviate the desire to clutter up this space again.

Adding a sideboard to your dining room is a great way to add purposeful storage, and wall-hung cabinets can conceal clutter without taking up valuable floor space.

Declutter Bedrooms

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (18)

(Image credit: Sims Hilditch)

Declutter a bedroom by working out what you have

Decluttering first is crucial when you’re organizing a bedroom and whether you’re looking for closet organization ideas or clothes storage ideas. 'A bedroom should be a clean, calm sanctuary-like retreat. If you have a closet that is brimming over, drawers that won’t close for clothes and a bedside creaking under the weight of bedside books, it’s not going to make you feel relaxed or in control,' says Georgia Metcalfe.

Start simple, says Georgia: 'Empty your drawers. Easy, just get everything out, without editing.

Next: 'Categorize. Gather similar items together, lingerie, tops, jumpers, etc. This is the point where you realize what you have and how much of it you actually want – edit if you need to.'

Decide what goes where when organizing clothes, comments Lizzie, 'Whether your clothes should be folded or hung will be dictated in part by what kind of storage you have in your bedroom. However, where possible, delicate materials that are prone to wrinkling should be hung. Bulky items like sweaters and jeans might work better folded in an armoire, and you might have enough drawers to allocate one for each of your underwear, socks, and tights, for example.'

Declutter children's bedrooms

'Always start with the eldest sibling's room first; that way, anything (clothes, toys, books) too small or young for them can be labeled in a box ready for the next child to be ready them,' advises Kathryn Lord from More To Organising astutely.

Organizing toys is always a challenge. 'Rotating toys means you have many fewer toys "in action" and you swap them out,' continues Kathryn Lord. 'This means there is less mess to tidy up but also, too many toys cause overwhelm. It’s hard to know what to play with when there is so much choice and when you swap the toys out, they are more excited to play with the new toys.

'For example, when having small world toys, they don’t need the zoo and the farm out at the same time (unless you want to do a sorting activity)

'I also do this with books. One client texted to say her child has picked up books that he hasn’t for a very long time. This is a great opportunity to think about organizing your children's books.

'Checking electronic toys are actually usable makes such a difference to their play. If they do not work, they are taking up valuable space in your home and causing frustration. Storing batteries up high is essential as they are very dangerous when swallowed.'

Good toy storage ideas are vital to keeping decluttered items neat and organized too.

Declutter The Home Office

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (19)

(Image credit: Future PLC)

Declutter bookshelves

Your once beautiful arranged bookshelf ideas can quickly become overwhelmed and over-stuffed, so it is worth going through them every now and then to discard books you are not going to read again.

Organizing a bookshelf by author or subject can help ensure books stay decluttered and easy to locate, but if you want a decluttered 'look' for them, think color coordinating.

'Color coordinating books make your place instantly look better,' advises Kathryn Lord, who also goes on to say: 'It helps your child become more independent, too. They know the color of their favorite book, and they know where to put it back. As with the toys, rotate them. They don’t all need to be out at once. Even this is just rotating from a high to a low shelf, so it’s more accessible for little hands.'

Declutter your desk spaces

Organizing a desk for an adult after decluttering ensures they can work efficiently – and feel happy about being at work for long hours. Children's work spaces are no different.

'When your children are doing their homework, to support them to try their best, their desk space needs to be clear from clutter,' advises Kathryn Lord.

'Going through pens can be done together, binning any dried up felt tips. Some pencils need binning if their nib can not be sharpened. Creating a space where they know and can easily find paper and stationery means they can be more successful at their work.'

Declutter The Bathroom

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(Image credit: BC Designs)

Declutter a bathroom

Bathrooms get cluttered quickly – half-used shampoo and conditioner, soap dispensers, toothpastes and shower gel, not to mention out-of-date medications, can quickly build up, while old towels tend to languish at the back of a linen cupboard for years. Kathryn Lord suggests these tactics for organizing a bathroom:

'The medicine cupboard always seems overlooked. Checking the dates on these is important. The last thing you want is to have a poorly child and not be able to find the right medicine, or worse, out-of-date medicine that might make your child more ill. It’s best to keep this topped up with all the essentials and go through it every three months. But don’t buy too many of the same thing. After Sun and insect bite cream often expires before it’s fully used.

Keep bathroom countertops clear, and learn how to organize a bathroom with too much stuff to take back control in this space.

Organizing a laundry space

As for decluttering and organizing a laundry room, Kathryn Lord, Home Organizer, says:

'This space often gets messy quite quickly because family life is so busy. Having the things you need to hand makes this easier. In the cupboards, store everything so it is visible when you open them. Stain remover is essential with young children's clothes, but if they ever crayon on the walls, toothpaste and elbow grease is the way forward.'


What should you not do when decluttering?

Never begin to declutter without a plan – and make sure you have a realistic vision for what you want to achieve. It's vital to start small in one room and work through that room – or that category, ie, clothes, before you move on. You shouldn't assume that decluttering will be quick – which is why you should attempt small areas at one time; it can take time to declutter properly, and you can only do so properly if you give yourself time.

If you're not sure where to start, you could always try micro-decluttering or one of the many hacks that professional organizers swear by, such as the 12-12-12 method.

Just make sure you can spot the 7 signs it's time to stop decluttering before getting carried away.

How can I stay clutter-free after decluttering?

'Now you’ve removed your home of clutter, you need to keep your home as clutter-free as possible. Take some time to show your family their clutter-free home and set some ground rules for putting stuff away, whether that be with some clutter baskets in each room to sort out on a weekly basis,' advises Chris Wootton,Managing Director ofPoppies, a domestic cleaning business.

*Survey by Kantar on behalf ofSerenely Sorted

Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home (2024)


Decluttering tips – tried and tested ways to tidy and organize your home? ›

The 5 year rule

If someone hasn't used an item in five years, they will probably never use it. It is important to note that this rule is helpful for people who are stuck or have a hard time letting things go. ' This rule is good when organizing attics and basem*nts where clutter builds up over time.

What is the rule of 5 decluttering? ›

The 5 year rule

If someone hasn't used an item in five years, they will probably never use it. It is important to note that this rule is helpful for people who are stuck or have a hard time letting things go. ' This rule is good when organizing attics and basem*nts where clutter builds up over time.

What is the core 4 method of decluttering? ›

Start by choosing a room, closet, corner, or drawer and follow four simple steps: Clear out, categorize, cut out, and contain. First, you'll clear out the space you've chosen so you can start with a blank canvas. Then, group every item by category, cutting out (or donating) items you don't need to keep.

What is the 20 rule decluttering? ›

If you can get something for $20 or less. and it takes less than 20 minutes to get it, then you can give yourself promotion permission. Permission to declutter that item. This is especially useful if you are moving.

What is the 90 90 rule for decluttering? ›

What is the 90/90 decluttering rule? The premise is simple and somewhat brutal: if you haven't worn something in 90 days and don't see yourself wearing it in the next three months (90 days), then it's out the (wardrobe) door.

What is the 333 decluttering method? ›

The idea behind Project 333 is simple: Wear only 33 articles of clothing for the next 3 months. All clothing, accessories, jewelry, outerwear, and shoes count towards your number.

What is the 50% rule for clutter? ›

Today I want to talk to you about something. that I feel like is absolutely crucial. to making your home easy to tidy. This rule is to keep your closets and cabinets. and any storage area about 50% full. so that it is just as easy to put things away.

What is the one touch rule for clutter? ›

This rule is “so simple, yet so life changing”. Simply by dealing with an item immediately, whether it is your shoes, incoming mail, or your used coffee mug, less clutter will be created. One touch, one movement, equals less effort overall. This rule can also be applied when you are purging, editing, and organizing.

What should I remove first when decluttering? ›

Start by clearing off your bathroom counters, emptying drawers and completely cleaning out linen closets in or near your bathrooms. Some experts recommend decluttering multiple bathrooms at once to really get an idea how much excess you have. You may have enough soap to last you for two years and not even know it!

How to do a ruthless declutter? ›

Be ruthless by picking out just a few items to keep that are your most favorite, and consider parting with the rest. Give yourself grace as you go through sentimental items. You won't be able to do it all at once, and it may take several sessions to decide which difficult items to keep or let go.

What are the four ClutterBug types? ›

The ClutterBug Philosophy is founded on the idea that there are four types of organization: the Ladybug, Bee, Cricket, and Butterfly. Each of these organization types focus on distinct needs with visual and practical organization.

What is the quieting decluttering technique? ›

The concept involves taking every single item out of a room and then, slowly, replacing only what you really want, miss, or need. The results contain absolutely nothing that doesn't contribute to your happiness. With nothing to weigh you down, you and your room are quiet, just like the name of the practice promises.

What is the golden rule of decluttering? ›

Take it room by room: Start decluttering one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Focus on a specific area before moving on to the next. Sort methodically: Divide items into categories (keep, donate, sell, discard) and work through each category systematically to prevent decision fatigue.

How do you drastically declutter? ›

10 Creative Decluttering Tips
  1. Start with 5 minutes at a time. ...
  2. Give one item away each day. ...
  3. Fill an entire trash bag. ...
  4. Donate clothes you never wear. ...
  5. Create a decluttering checklist. ...
  6. Take the 12-12-12 challenge. ...
  7. View your home as a first-time visitor. ...
  8. Take before and after photos of a small area.
May 13, 2024

How do you declutter immediately? ›

What Are The Simple Ways To Declutter Your Home Fast?
  1. Create A Fool-Proof Plan. ...
  2. Create A Decluttering Schedule. ...
  3. Decide The Areas That Need To Be Decluttered. ...
  4. Organise The Clutter Into 3 Categories. ...
  5. Know What You Want To Keep. ...
  6. It's Time To Move On From Old Items. ...
  7. Get Rid Of The Trash Immediately.
Feb 8, 2024

What is the 3 second rule for decluttering? ›

In this TikTok video, Kelly, who's known for her decluttering methods, like the Core 4 Method, and tips, explains that the three-second rule helps people make “quick and confident decisions when they are decluttering.” When applying her method to an item, you decide in three seconds to either “yes, you keep it” or “no, ...

What is the 5 second rule for decluttering? ›

What is the five-second rule? The five-second rule is a widely-adaptable technique from organizational coach Mel Robbins, who advocates for it in her books. According to Robbins, you should make major decisions in under five seconds, actually counting down five, four, three, two, one.


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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.