The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

I' i 4 hi i 'i r. i i f. 1 j' i iu hi 'V .1 00 DOUBLE' SHEETS BTJXP A JlOaXIW OV 1855. Wmkly SaippiKO jXisT. weekly dripping list will be found ya.

anotner column. ii Mfnuiu via tha cTMtest care, Via lataat innn. Mid YT1ST DO 1" on as correct, having been attentively reYisoo. 98 Grarler vvu wc wiu vr. v.

Rajrin kicks', sand, lime, oners ior nue com, of "FAti. Goods. We invite the attention of our readers; and particularly of the ladiea, to the advertisem*nt Mra, Turner, 109 Canal tfireK which will be found in another column. She offers tot sale a very splendid assortment of iall goods; and also attends careiuuy 10 dreea making See advertisem*nt tWinis, SeVell T. Taylor, 15 Eoyal treet, Is constantly importing the finest champagne, and other, wines and spirits, so that he always has a stock firom wnicn oon can select with every certainty of gratifying their tastes.

His Crcme de Bou champagne, of the brand 01 jacquesson Ffls, has made quite a firm place of preference among the finest in the market. See hla For Watirloo. The splendid steamboat Cspt Thoa. H. Ure, leaves on her utata trip as above, at 9 ciock tnis morning.

She has lately been entirely repainted and re 'decorated, and is, as. is well known, one of the "finest boats on the river to travel in. Agont, John Fearoe, 13 Conti street i t3T F. Cochran Hall, 36 Gravier are daily receiving "articles in their line of business, such as nuts, lemons, figs, sardines, sperm candles, Canton ginger, almonds, prunes, citron, currants, advertisem*nts. 5 Everybody will need now to t'a supplied with good stoves, in preparation farthe rapidly approaching winter.

Austin Goodwrn; No. 1 'Front Levee, are receiv Choice supply, for office, parlor, and cooking nnxDoaes. also have for ale aa excellent assortment of tin and Japanned ware. Their rnieea are verv moderate. See "advertisem*nt i 4 Watch Lost.

We invite attention to an adrertisemant under this heading in another Nornam, 14 Cmp street, sends oa from Frennh ds pubuahers, isoaton, new work" entitled Kate Stanton, a Page from Seal Life." He also sends us Grahram's and Frank Leslie's Ladies' Gazette, for No vember, fc i. Through an advertisem*nt which ap pears in another column, an appeal is made 1 to the liberality ot our jeuow crazeus ior aia to enable the members of the Fourth Pree Jbj terian Church, at the corner of Canal and Franklin streets, to build one more suited to the wants of the neighborhood than the pre sent one. A committee has been appointed receive subscriptions, and we trust that the aid required will be promptly and cheer i Text and School BooKS.W. Flemming has just' reoetred at his book store very large ffapplies of text and school books, stationery, k'" fancy' goods, co which he at very low prices. See ihia advertisem*nt in another colamn wLy IIerchatoisb.

Dyas C.V corner of Gravier. Fulton and New Levee streets, offer for' aale a large and well asserted stock of 'foreign cigars, brandies, ale, See advertisem*nt Grocxsiks. Messrs. Converse oc Co xoer of. Canal and Sew Levee 'streets, are re ceiviner dailv and have on hand for sale a large stock of groceries of all, descrip tions, including spirits, wines, foreign pro See advertisem*nta, i WiSTiRif.

Froduc, 6ta A. D. 40 Old Levee, alvays hare for sale large supplies Of Western produce, wines, foreign produce; fiab, and other merchandise, which they offer in lota to suit purchasers, and on liberal terms An advertisem*nt, 'published In another column, gives a list of a portion of their desirable stock, to which the Attention of dealers cannot be directed with out advantage. A call at the stores will open a much more extensive assortment of mer chandise to inspection than the advertisem*nt Nzw CABriTiKes. Todd 120 Canal etreet, have just received a very attractive fieaortment of carpet Logs, oil cloth, window thades, cornices, wall paper, which the wIH open to morrow, and dispose of very low.

Eoosekeepers should call and examine these choice See advertisem*nt Claims vnlKin the Bottrop Grant. The Washington Union, learns from the Interior Department that returns of a considerable dumber of 'separate plata fthe surveys, of 7 claims within the former Da Baitrop Ghrant, in Louisiana, have reached the General Land Office. It la understood that this will enable the office to issue patents to these claimants. 'Accidentia Trans Marine Telegraph Ling. It was rumored in London the day before the steamship Africa sailed, that the biff six wire cable, weighing eight tons to the 1 mile, which was being, laid down across the Zlediterranean from France to.

Algiers, was cut and abandoned in a gale of wind, under circ*mstances very similar to those which Interrupted the' operations of the Newfound land Company last summer. Forty miles of the cable had been laid. It was insured in London for about i 1ST The large sash, and door manufactory in Sockland, Me owned by Messrs. Berry, Kimball Libby, was destroyed by fire on 'the eveningof the 26th ult, with its entire 'T tSTt About 800 IL 8. troops from Carlisle recently passed through Chicago, en route for Fort and Fort OThe Ke York Mirror announces that tlx.

Leach, the vocalist, has entered into the Jholy bonds of wedlock', with Mrs. Geotglana Stuart, the well known concert singer of that City 2 'r ET bear of snow in all parts of the Union. There was a slight fall of the fleecy element on SUten Island on the 25th ult asa.l Ontonagon is proposed as the name of the new state be formed," in due season: on the south shor of "ke Snoerior." 'i The Free Soiler xituao nave nominated ijewiaL. Hodges for itiaycroi mat city. Harly Sleighing.

The citUens of Shrews buxyTork county Pa, and that vicinity, esjoye'l rare' sport of raleighing, a few days ago, being pronounced, by those en gaged in it aa most excellent' Jierary. The New York Evening' Post tie foil 31 7 literary intelligence i Lf ira. Harper Jt. Brotae. have arransed with lr.

UlcrTj ior tne proot tD r. or nla lortiicom I rr Jed." Little Dor: andwlll pub' "azlne. 1 ta volume of llr. I'scauley' 1 r9 sntiooneed for 'iestioB r. They by 7, i.

gATOBCAT NOV." 3. 'V Th state of onr Money market continue Very tkfactory, but nothing of notable interest trans pired to uy. A good many paymenu cams to the nnexoended balances that hare been lylnK idle for some time past. Out of doors we did not hear of any tranaaeuons in paper, which is he leas inrprialDg from the fact that' none was oner The tone of the Baltic cotton accounts, wucb were telegraphed this morning, Imparted more confidence in commercial and moneyed circles A decline of 1 16 3 Vsd. la annoonced in the despatches, but the figures for Orleans deicriptiona do not bear out this reduction.

At the iidu time the week's business Is reported at 54,000 bales, which certainly Indicates a more active market, and would lead to the inference that Money affairs on the other side hare not assumed any greater tringency. At the time of writing, howerer, we have no further advices than those contained in the brief announcement published la this afternoon's edition. Stocks to day were neglected, and the only transaction that came to our knowledge was 10 shares Bank of Louisiana at 14i. For Citizens' 126 has been offered and refused. Exchange, though more settled at the decline noticed yesterday, was somewhat flat.

Sales of good to prime Sterling were made at 107Vs IOTb, and In exceptional Instances only could lOTVj be reached. At the cloae were not ottering more than 107 S107V4 for lavorea signature. Seme small transactions In Bill of Lading drafts were effected at 1062 10634, but If a large amount were put on the market, would scarcely do to rely on these rates. French Exchange heavy, and although the nominal Bankers rate was 5X25, we heard of prune bills news 52S345527 Produce draft and ouier nam es range from 5f.355130. Only a limited business was done In Sixly day bills oaKew.Vork at SSS'b for irood names, and at SM for produce paper.

Sight could hardly be placed at better than 4 per cent discount though the counter rate for small sums in bank was Short Sight was sold at per cent discount. The Africa tetters came inrongn wis morning. and their general tenor financially was not so bad as the telegraphic advice had led to expect. Prior to the meeting of the Bank Directors on the 11th, there was considerable uneasiness, and Con sols descended to 8614, hut the adjournment having passed off without any increase in the rate of interest, confidence was in a great measure restored, and the supply of money became ore plentiful Consols advanced to 873, and private reports state that the opening price on the day of the steamer' sailing was 88. The returns from theBank of England for the week ending the 6th October, compare as follow with the preceding week: Pabllc Depoalts.iCT.10ff.514DecTeas: XI.

017.685 Other 10.837.643 600.31 3.6M.8 Increase On the other side of the account fiov't Sernritieall.4;3.M1Decreaie 711.853 liotea nnemp'oyed 6.47 1.470 Di creaie. 130 Other 1. U4.470 Thefmountof note In circulation Is 20,202,555, being an increaso of 129,870, and the stock ot bullion in both departmjpU is 12,339,281, how ing a decrease of 499,647 when compared with the preceding return. Silver had again declined, Mexican dollar being quoted at and bar silver 3gd. per ounce lower.

The quotation for Mexican 4s. llfed. per ounce. The latest quotation for the French fund are for the Three per cent 64.45; Credit Mobilier 11.82 for 500 paid. The Morning Chronicle remarks A fcelins of uneasiness as to the duration and expense of the war is beeinnintr to exercise a powerful influence.

The expenses, it has been seen, are gradually increasing, and the amount of taxation which has already been laid upon the nation is infinitely below the requirements of the Exchequer for the multitudinous purpose of the war. Even with the loan already contracted, the resource at the command of the Government are not equal to the heavy expenditure which 1 going on, and Is absolutely necessary. The war, it is evident, cannot be carried on for any given amount, however liberal may be the limit and whatever may be the wealth of the nation, and it power of providing for those expenses, it is certain that the derangements which the war re duce in mouey, and in all branches of trade, must sooner or later be fclc The quarterly meeting of the Ironmasters took place in Birmingham on the 11th ult, when an advance of 1 per ton was determined on, although several maker refuse to sell on these term. The quotation for Scotch pig in Liverpool 1 4 10s. From fcew York our advice by mail are to Saturday evening last.

The panic in the Stock market had a ivao way to a feellns; of greater con fidence, and most description have advanced 1 3)2 per cent. The steamship Cahawba arrived to day with 360,000 in specie, of which $109,000 goes to Mobile, and the remainder for the banks here. Eachel ij Boston. Our friend "Acorn" has been fairly carried captive by the great tragedienne. lie writes to the "Spirit" in the most exalted terms of her acting Camilla, in Las Horaces of Corneille.

He can compare the effect of Rachel's acting npon him to nothing, except those grand displays of lightning he has witnessed at night in the Gulf Stream, unaccompanied by thunder, when the bSeom of the ocean was ruffled only by a ripple at first, a flash of light only could be seen to emit from the horizon, which would be followed by others of more bril liancy, and with such rapidity and increased splendor that the vision of the beholder would seem to be completely dazzled, until at length the whole heavens appear in one blaze of light, and the spectator feels that he and the majestic ship that supports him are a mere speck of material substance He adds that it is not at all essential or necessary to un derstand the language spoken by this great actress, to be able to appreciate her immense ability, as the workings of her soul are mir rored in her face, with a force beyond the power of any language to convey. I do not pretend (says he) but that a thorough under standing of the language she speaks would add much to the gratification of seeing her act, but do contend, that her face is a complete and thorough interpretation of every passion that any language can describe or the human heart can feel!" Another Dta'K on Mount Wathington A despatch dated Gorham, N. Oct 07, says Dr. B. L.

Bail started from tha on Tkni. day morning with a view of ascending Mount! WaahingtoD, and probably periahed, Mnothlngi bas since Deen neara ot him. i'artu commenced searching'for him yesterday morning, bat without effect np to 10 o'clock thi morning Thackeray. The Boston Transcript, of the 20th ult, says: Mr. Thackeray is at the Tremont House.

He arrived last night In the Africa, and is in excellent health. We saw him at Ticknor at thi morning, and heard the sound of hi fine impres sive voice, ana tne music mi ni good naturea isugn. ma great satirist is as pieasanc tacea a gentleman a one would meet la a sonny day's suoii on waanington street. Yield of Copper for 1855. The Lake Superior Journal sire the amount of.

copper that the agents ot tha different mines are confident of beinir .1,1. iZ vT AT I Srf ,1. n.P Present seaiion, as follow I rrom the Oatonagon district, 2,190 ton from the I fV naTsV.nza tV wAt At na mr I nistricr, Ti, zai ions; irom toe torn Total, 4.730M, present pAce aTh American inventors Pi exhibition, have recelvSVSSS and sUver medals, which ftiva sld eighth exhibltor a higher proporrSnol medals than will be received by 7T oUeL Dissolution Of cot AnTMEaamfTK. 1 nersblB of HARRIS A CARARA8. DM.

Br oaat Joiners, Algiers, ta thl day dissolved tas a of Chaa. A. Ha ra Hereafter tb bwdaea WiU carried on by the mAavT Algiers, NovemSer leu. a aUn'Od Va K.IA. A KEOBO CAB.PEN ICR, tweotyve years old, a very I aoperlov wnrkman and fally guaranteed baa worked I 1.

accunaatea, HBSDEBSON A a lm TCaand.letatrt liat Ail Tsuiiiti. Tithe OBT.EAiSfeAt,;!:, i 3t It EYf wo. to Bill and are this Siva 111 sale INTELLIGENCE, Sumdat Momne. Notiwh 4. fftrnnimMT Rhbt A bov named James MiifM who for mam time out has been enraged as pUtol loader In the Phoenix PUtol Gallery, on 8t Charles street, was accidenUUy wounded at hnnt o'clock vcaterdav.

iie naa jok loaaea a It was Thl cousin began to examine the weapon, Hn1nr so It was accidentally dlscharsed. The bullet, after leaving the pistol, split one of the boy's fingers, and then passed Into the aide of 1 1 1 1 young mcaira, mulcting a wounuoi twj Kharantnr In itm itnnna It ippmi to have touched one of the ribs and then passed round ctrcuitously toward the spinal column. It was extracted by ut. 1 he wound is not cousiucrro a a 1 aui nan eerou. DaowNKD The body of a white man was yes terday found in the river In front of the Saw Mill, in the Third District, it was Ha had on a brown coat and satinet pantaloons hi nair ana whisker were black and hi eyes gray On one of his arms was a crucifix "f5 sacred Inidal IL An "5'" on the bodv.

and a verdict of "Found drowned," waa rendered. thi Liom ik His Dm Sergeant the guide, and cnec.0 te city And so. with evelidd heavy ani reo ne sougni ni quiet dnmlcil on Rampart; (late Hercules) street, and himself. "Sleep percnanco, 10 if al.iBn rr Hr tn whila sleeping, perchance, dreaming a thief entered the Sergeant's doinicil, and laid felonious hands on a gold watch and chain, which, when awake, the sleeper had hung up by the side hi conch to mark the filch of tiina. It did more: it mars 1 the flight of itself in the pocket the thief, and It marked the thiet.

tor in his possession it was found at last, and the one iden tided the other. John Johnson, it appears, had been seen around the Sergeant' premise John Johnson had disap peared simultaneously with the disappearance of tnewatcn; ana jonn jonnson wa suspected aua Dursued. Eventually John Johnson wa caushr, and the gold tell tale and it accompanying tether were found in his possession. Ho was calaboosed, and a chareo of infamy haa been chronicled against hiin, to which he will have to answer. TnsKATa Of late, threat to shoot have be come quite fashionable among certain member of society, as the frequent arrests for that offence but too plainly indicate, it would oe won 11 mat "unrulv member." the toneup, could be kept little more under restraint, for an Inflammatory tongue la but too likely to lead to "villaioou saltpetre." Last evening James Ilealy wa arrested for going to the residence of hi friend, Patrick Hanlon, on New Levee street, and of threatening to shoot the said ratrick on patriotic grounds.

Tub Mass Mktings. Brightly burned the watchfires and gaily streamed the banners from the political ramparta last night. Both parties were largely represented. The Americans met on tbe Neutral Ground of Canal street, between St. Charle and Carondelct street, while the unterri fied Democracy occupied the green carpet of La and transparencies; and rocket were ever and anon lent op, to make the skies radiant with olden rain.

It wa a great time the last meet ing of the politician prior to the utterance by the l. 1 1 I nll frtiimnh and defeat For that one. party must triumph, and the other be defeated, i almost an absolute certainty. The chosen speaker of the evening earnestly enforced their respective view, and were listened to by their 1 respective auditories with approving plaudit. That each party went home certain of success, we have not the slightest doubt.

i Police Matters. Biroax Rkco*kdzx Ramos. Camillia Sprics alias Dixon awaits a hearing on a charge of having rudely and by torce, torn tee clotnea irom tne per son of Miss Odile H. Lewis. uch an outrage against modesty should De severely aeait wan.

The charge against Mary Ann Prudhomme. of having stolen Si from Hetty Simpson, was called un but continued. Mica v. Deueves, witn a pnuo sophic namesake of hers, that all property is theft." Charles' Fliege, who was accuted of having cheated hi whilom tenant. Caroline Fix, out of $2 50, was examined and discharged, tbe transac Uon being legally civil, though socially uncivil, Lania Allen is held to ba I to answer to the charge of having struck Ann Doyle in her face and threatened to kill her.

J. Joyal la accused of having fraudulently with held from Henry Gobet the sum of (91 65, or a certthcate cal ing tor that amount, thereby commit ting a breach ol trust. Bkfoxr Rscobdxb Seuzzmkau. Peter O'Don nell and Charle Kendall, who pursue the exciting busines of sailor runners, were yesterday arrested Dy the officers of the Third District police on charge of having beaten a sailor named James Walter In a most savage manner. The sailor tried to run but the runners wouldn't let him.

THE COURTS. FocaTH" Distwct CocaT. Suit Againtt Defaulting Contractors The City Attorney yester day, on behalf of the city, instituted suit against Michael Tarpey and his securities for the recovery of $3,490, as a penalty for non compliance with the terms ana conditions ol a certain contract. Un the 25th ot April last, defendant, in an act passed before the City Notary, contracted to clean tbe paved and anpaved street and keep in repair the unpavea street 01 toe ana Ninth waras. in a Ai 1 1 1.

I. 1. .1 wh.Mwu ,1. ji mi tut tt iua, uciruu ant not only failed to complY with the conditions of his contract, bat wholly neglected, and finally abandoned it, thereCy incurring the penalty and lorieiture 01 hi oono. euPBKMB Covbt.

Thi court will open on Monday, with a full bench for tbe transaction of bnsmes. All the Judges are in the city with tbe exception of the Chief Justice, and he is expected to oe nere. JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PICAYUNE, 66 Ctunp street and 17 Bank Place. BOOK. AND.

JOB FKINTINU. The Proprietor of the Picayune respectfully soMctl those of their fellow citizen, steamship and steamboaJ swners who are in want of any kind oi JOB PRINTING, call and leave their orders a the abovei Establishment where they can have their work executed in a super! oe manner, and npon the most reasonable terms. The material used in this Department of the Ficsynnt office was selected with the greatest care, and especially adapted to the execution of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING, with the utmost despatch, such as Heads, Bills Lading, Bills of Fare, Dray Receipts, Check Books, Steamboat Bills, Steamboat Cards, Books, Pamphlet, Lawyers' Brief. Foster of all colors and sizes, Ac. Ac.

all kind of fancy invitation tickets and cards foi Dalla, soirees and weddings, Ac Our stock of Fancy Paper, Cards and Ornamental Bord are of the most varied and carefully selected in ths tity. HOE'S AND ADAMS'S STEAM POWER PRESSES used in this establishment, by means of which th largest orders can be furnished at short notice and at low rate: so that every character of Printins can be dona h. office, from i Poster of any dimensions down to a VI siting Card, andrin each a workmanlike mann.e as will th moat ptx fect satisfaction. LUMSDEN, END AW, A Co. SHtET IRON Lauding in st ire 40i bundles English Sheet Iron, assortedNo.

10 S8. For ssie hy rzUCBILEI as BEIN, a8 and SI Camp street Landing ano in store trS irni Winter Bleached Whale Oil. JOWJ Lard lu ton AtlanMc Pu Wbfte Lead. tons New Jersey Pure Ztc White Psint. ForsaUby PRIESTLEY A BEIS.

89 aud 91 Clrnn atrvet. TIN PLATE and BLOCK TIN. Lending snd in store! SOtl boxes Charcoal Tin PU 30 slabs Banca Tin. For sale by PBIElTLEf A BEIN, WandDI Camp street Vmr Hnln. ABOUT Eight Sqaare of Ground on th OentlUv rr'J n.

A. ww w. WW. ao Custombouse stre Floor letb for Bale. A8CPERIOR OIL CLOTH, been ia use only one year, cut to fit a roam MX 14.

fjr sale ehean. Arnlv bOlllWIIH'CTfc nS St If Crescent Refinery Ceoperaae. ,1 and 64 Julia street roLASSES bahrels ani halves, conrtantly 0 band and for sale as above oss im tr Hum Pine Gee Fine. TO. ROBINSON.

Aaeut Spang A Co 's celebrated Wrangbt Iron Gss Pipe, maaulactared In Pittsbarg Cossamerasapplied at the lowest rave Olns, St Com marcial Place. oSl Ira MANILLA and TARRED CORDAGE Landing and ia store 10O coils Manilla assorted 6 thread to laches. 60 Tarred Hemp Par sal by PRIESTLET A BE1N. oS 4' SiJaa 91 Camp street BAR, HOOP aadBaND IRON Landing and la tor too tons English Bar Iron, assorted Flat, Round and sjaare. WOO bandies Hoop Iron, sajortsd ta Inch.

suo tiaiern atob, aaaorrea i to 4 men. 0 Band I on, aura ted lit to SXi, to J16 inch. For sale by 6M PRIESTLEy St BEIN, 89 ard 91 Caanp street c. laer. UnslerutRer.

ail i rmnftoulas street New Orleans. CO, i anri HEARSES alwava la Comas lined with lead to whtwrt awl 1.1. tmin aS and Sarat oa band and 1 if by I I to to for tun by li Tbe in P. de Le oic and very ttrt lie wm in Ac ment to ol lard. In aas eai I J.

snd Mia last to boat tag ln HOTELS: mm 1x1 law ftiODstA. rV Ta 1 nm I .1 af TSiatr TTsl fW L'j thoroughly rnoTtd nd fitted to bow open tor di77trn.ienl asd city boartata. Mra tl A. HOWE. M7 Atlanta.

Hotel. Atlanta, Georgia, BESLRKf Proprietor, lata of tne Terandan I .3 Hotel. Orieana. men par renins Trains will flod iawxr nsdy oa tb arrival of th Cars. Q83 6V ly Klorancn Hants.

This finely located Hntel havlnf ben aoperhly fltted up, will opened on Wednesday, th 17th InatL. for dtv and trmnalent bordera. 14 tf JOHN T. JETER. St.

Lronla Hotel. Ke Orleans. The nnderalfned mnst reapectfnlly Informs his friends and the travelluf cnmmnnlty that be baa leased the above named favorite HotM. Dirlii the peat rammer tbe house baa been thoroughly cleaned, and otherwise Improved, and will be open for the reception el rnests 00 tlie Ifttn mac Kate nl tsoard, bo per say. The Be.

Louis Hotel will maintain lfa old rank, of a first rlaas Hotel, and I pledge myself that all possible attention aball be paid, so aa to keep np itagjod reputation, and render It comfortable home to Its old patrons, and to stransera. 04 sruaaEvr CHAItLV.S L. OOMBEU City Hotel, Mew Urleana. The aubacrlber respectfully announces to hla friends, and tbe public genrralljr, teat thta well known, favorite and old eatabiisbed reaort baa, urma the rait anmmrr. been completely renornted In every repect Every Improvement that suggested Itself bas been adopted 1 ail necessaiy repairs nave oeen sod.

tantlaily 1 the prem srs have been painted farniture. especially tbe ladles' apartments 1 in luroognout, ana nitea wiiu new, raanionaoic aua eiesani bu Iven iDarrd In nrovldlliff Ior tne comfort of It sats. and it will De reopen en on itr lit uctorer next. a 11 rr'pr1f. The Lake House Is) Open.

Tbla favorite Uotel, ot the lke n.1 of tbe Shell ifi'i of tbe City HoteL Tbe lessee deems It natle. to place tbe estsbllahmeat more prominently before the robilc by a deacrlptloa of lt ri'S and advantage i too well known to need piatae. He trustn to he able to (ratify all come more particularly family partita, for whom each en ao uienli will be made as will render the house a quiet and agreeable resort. ol 6m Bladon Hprinxa, Ala. jajt, Arrmngemenia nave inn oeen complete, bo aa 10 VT nihhl ff I hMll I n.t I 1 hrarj ri tiili BDrinaa.

to leave Mobile lo the moraine by rail road. In connection with an excellent line of stages, and arive at Bladon Epringa In time for dinner th same day. jeai rf Paradise i'oluC Hotel, Second Wliarf at MlaBieslPDt Citv. Tbla bnse Is now open for the reception of visit ors, reraona nipples for tnis place will please re member that It is tne second wbarf at MlSdiaalppl uny. u.

w. moAautn. May lasa. myS7 SVzt '8 Uotel. Kestanrant (tad Oyster Salooa, Has.

vo and 100 SC Charles street, an. Is now open for tbe reception of visitors. FISH. 6AME, and all the delicacies of the season, served up la tne most approved atyl aad shortest noilcs. at buara.

Just received, a tot of nn OYSTERS, rat and salt. vMrt IOm RICHARD MDRPHY. liockbrlaaje Alans eprlnns, Virginia. Celebrated for Its cure of scrofula, chronic diar rhea, diaeaaea of the liver, of the akin, and of tbe kidneva. broncMtia.

larvnsitls. obstinate opbthal ruic and nervous ailections. and complaint rxcuilar to females. This water! nt v'ace. whose fame bas been steadily grow ing for the last thirty years, till it now stands, ss a remedial avent, without a rival.

Is situated In the mountains of Virginia, nve ratua from tbe Central Railroad, and twen tv two miles from tbe Natural Brlilse. Passengers break faet In Richmond, dine at Staunton, and sun at Rockbridge Alum Sprlnrs same days before nark. This will be the scbedule alter tbe 1st of July. Toe cars now ran west cf Staunton, and the track Is being rapidly laid to Alum Springs Depot, which when completed will leave but five miles itiiglng. tie ceieoratei voianot nana oijsammore is engngea for tbe season.

Tbe ballroom, billiards, Ac Ac, and better than all these, a reflned. Intelligent and sociable company, have contributed In cast years to render this one of the most attractive, as it bss long been one of the most useful, oi an our Virginia watering pieces. Pamphlets, with anulyeis and certiricatea. furnished gratis on application. FRA12 St RAN DOLPH, lya rmpn nora.

New Orleauia Property Agency. am, CHARLES D. Poacher street, tenders 61? his services es General Agent for the renting, leas EiAins. collectinSTent. paying taxes, superintendln repairs, Ac of houses, orhcts and other property in this dry.

Persons desirous of changing tbeir locations con always find at hla othce a selection of vacant dweliiuss. stores, omres, sheds, warehouses, Ac tie would direct attention to tbe followlns desirable pmpertles now untenanted and for rent: Magazine street. corner or Jacsaon. the laree brlrk man sion, recently occupied by 1. Hadden, Esq tbe most commodious and tligiblv located in tbe city.

Constance street, corner Robin, a handsome stone colored brlrk dwelling with massive colour.a le front. Camndelet treet, corner St. Joseph atrert. a four story residence, lately occupied by E. I.

Levy, Esq Natl Julia atreet. a three story brick, with extensive bark bn ldinga. Eriito strret, near Annun latlon street, a iarg three story rest nence, next to Judge Lea's aiagaztne street, corner of Povefarre. a verv larse brick dwellinc. moat conveulrntlv located.

Also, many otberson Terpeicboie. Orauce.Jer aey. Calliope. Magazln', Cli Thalia, tiaiennie, Annuncla uon, meipomene ana or. joeepo atrceta Otlicea.

Stores. Warehouses. ShsDS. StaDles and Yards In all parts of the citv. WANTED la tbe Firn acd Fourth Districts, three comfortable two story dwellings with live to lieep'n aparcmenta.

mvrr ly Another Trlaitinn. From tbe Cincinnati Daily Commercial of the 7th inst.1 ALMOST dally instances occur showing tbe advantages to merchants and others of bavins a realiv Flreoroof Safe. The latest instance, wllliia onr knowledge. Is de tailed In the following letters addressed to Messrs. HalU Dodds A of this city sept, isna.

Messrs. Hall. Dodds A Co. 43 entlemen On the morn. lag of the S4th my entire stock of boat stores, con sisting for the most part of highly Inflammable materials, as wea aa a larse quantity of other merchandise, was coDaomea uy arc One of vour aafea.

contalnine mf books in naoera Ac waa in tne hettest part of it. and thouch It fell from the aecond story and lay a considerable time in the burning rains, everything in it was preserved in perfect condition. so far ss lire was concerned. therefore, feel pleaaed la recommending to ar.y one wlahing tn have a reliable ar ticle your xireprool Bate. SOUS HAGUEJtXI.

Messrs HalL Dodda A Co. Gentlemen Mv ssfe. of roar mMufactere. waa In tbe above buildlns. and ore arrved my books and papers without Injury from nre and water.

win. a. CAOSiLLI. Several of HALL'S PATENT CONCRETE FIRE PROOF SAFES have paased tbrouch the seveieit or. deals.

Invariably presenting their valuable contents un srathed. Tbe manufacturers of this article havedobe. both here and in Cincinnati, what no other maktr. of long known and popular Safes dare do. viz: ottered reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for proof that their said safe baa, in a single Instance, failed to preserve its contents when accidentally exrKed to fire.

Thev also warrant the Concrete Safe to be free from a serious defect In the Salamander article, which naa recent! been developed to a considerable extent, viz: tbe Inward corrosion of tbe plate iron, mauifeafed sy tbe appearance of bolea in the aidea, back, Ac The eabacriber, sole agent here of tbe msnufacture. has constantly for sale a good asrortnieut of said Concrete SifVs sl3 aAWtf I8AAC BRIDGE, 1 Magazine St. Texas U. S. Mail The most direct, expeditions aad rf yrVi SjJTJtti Cheapest route ftim Iew Orleans ts aCatScsfcauasSii Austin, capital of Texas, and the cen tral or wesiern portion of the State via Galveston, Hon ton, Wathlcgtno, Independence, Chapel Hill, Brenham.

Runnd Top, liutersville. La Grange, Bastrop, Webbervills Austin. atages leave nonsuin on se anoverout dally Washington, and three tlmesaweek for ail of tbe othei prsces, connecting at vnsningun wttn stages for Spang neiu, aua nnaerson, and at Austt with stages San Antonio, Nsw Brasnfels, Waco, Georgetcwa, Bel ton and Dallas. Stages also leave Houston three times a week for Montgomery, Muntsvtlle, Cincinnati, Crockett, Alto, Douglass and Nacogdoches. D.

S. Mai 1 Boats lesvs Galveston for Houston oa the arrival of the New Orleans steamers, and stages leave Hoas on tbe arrival ot tbe Galveston boat. Extra stages will be furnished, when necessary, at regular atag far, apy Ucution to the agent at Housloa. Stage oitice. Hooetou House, opposite post office.

FI4 65 dAWly F. P. SAWYER, Proprietor. Bwt Louisville Journal will please copy aad scad bill to ne omce nr rne Hnusrna 'Jelegrapn. Motire.

OST or stolen, a PROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by tbe ondertigned. dated October la, l8o, payable twelve uoutua alter nare. in lavar or vrniit. r.n eleven thontand is hundred and eighty two dolla 43 100 public is notified not to negotiate or receive tbe same raymeut DEGELOB, A CO. new ut leans, wctn er in, in4o.

Avisi. a (tf perda cu vole on BILLET, tirf par le sous gnea a 1'ordrede M. Hypcl*te Brleugne, dstt de isr bre, li6K, eeyable a douze mols de date, de la somms Octot onze mllle six cent quatre vingt deux piastres et 4V100. public est nutitle oe ne pas hego ler ou rerevolr le oiiieten raiement UEUELOS, DUxUUVE A CO. INouvelle UrK.ns.

le IS Ortohre. IS. ol 30t Sueea. The snbfcriber, baring dirposed rf his o'd stock at coat. Is now prepared to oif to his friends and the nubile arnerallv.a fr.h mnA choice assortment of Ladles' and Gentlemen's BOOTS SHOES, of tne laleit styles and best manufacture, at reduced prices, at bis old stand.

No. loe Canal street, jwiijuip. IfOCO omj B. W. SBZvAl.

9 he Gaiety Coffee House, Opnosite b. Gaiety Then re. Gravier street JAMES L. EOFF annonncea ta hla fntu1, anil fh. tbat he has cumrleted tbe firtinv nn and inmlil lm nf uc.

rMoui iiumrni. ana win Ao riignt open it foe tne season. He bss spaied no expea. to make it attractive appea ance. and baa taken r.orrr.finilin tn n.iur ot rm uattoe verv oeet of nq tors wines, Mr.

JOHN BICUARl'SON wIU have toe mace af lr and will, be is assured, leave noth'ng undone give sstisfsction to those who may patronize tbe estab lisfiment A sbare of public support is respectfully soli cited, tn.refore, with confidence nl 112lpA3dntf Kucceaalnn af Heoah. ALL person! indebted to the estate ofthe late Blchard "Reosh. and all persons havlne claims ualnit the de ceased, are reaneated to come forward and nreant hir claims, and settle accounts wl hrut delay. a. zuii.avLi, tursror, Stawsod a Masazine street SnnsTzuiil IJETEB LORILLARD, Manufactcrer.Na 4 Chathas street.

Mew York. neceaanr af Petjtr At ssma oftera fovaala alPklnda off isnrv r3 iitjm general aaa. For partlcalara, a pries current caa bs obtained by addresriag as abova. This astabUshaaaat of th nlrlat of tha kind 1b thaOajeed A aa. SIS SS Iw DOLBEAR.T.

Wrltlns and Boek Keeplntj KBtablUhmeBft New DO nils will be rvlveri d.llv I all Clal houra for Imdtea. m.nA dren. Feninanhip and Bookkeeping are taught an acientifie principles, aaa success invited to call and jue fori henwelvea lo Hit. ana et v. aurus "OLB 'AR, 108 Canal street' Two BUnnaeu vuus ktw ahij To I Steamboat Captains, Railroads and tha PolicAU an awav Din sue premises or tn uderslgned.

1 oa Satarday, ths J6Ji June, tbelr Slav boyJIM. aa iwtu muscular, with aallea asm naion af cabkm.uu a deep scar or mark on the leftside af th forehead. to oe rrom tne lc of a mala. Tbe aegr was seea and is no doubt lurkics about tua rite. tm.wZ.

mc luirer tracts oi toe citv aa Humnftv ud mnwtiwi men and others are hereoy caaMoaed frora employ the negro. The above reward will be paid by brlas Mm to oar warehouses nr louring him In Ir iL tTbe negra ha been een twice on the Levee dnrir AB, Dt u. .11 A TT AJUC wT. l.U S7andsa Ft rhezstreet few Orlesns, October tt, lo, o5 tf SI SO the for aoov 7 th I the 6th in STEAMSHIPS. Vera era FOB VIHA CB.CZ U.

Mall ttae Th JiT1L ana munificent steamshlB ORIZABA. Tjj, ih. Forbes, commander, will leave for I Verm Cms an WESMMDAT. HOVemOer 14. at a'ClOCk I A.

Mm panctaally, earrylnf th D. B. Hall. For freight or neaaafe, baring els gant accoamodattoa ior caoia aaa steerest passengers, appiy to HinitiM a mors AH. foot of ana street.

opposite the Steamship Lauding SST Passenger mnst provld themselve with passport from tba Mexican CobsoJ. asr Mo freight will bs received without an order from the agent. n3 New Yark. O. 8.

RIAII, STEAMSHIP COMPANV FOB flBW TORK, VIA HAVANA Tbe ana eiesant ateamahln ORlNini J. cOaain. commander, will leave her wbarf. atrnMlt Jackson Sqaare, for Hew York via Havaoa, on MONDAY, the etb of November, at 8 o'clock A. preclaely, with the Government mails and paaaengers.

For freight or paswg apply at the office of the Company, 73 Maga alne itreet. o7 tns IIIH111I88. I.ATJQ HIjAW St CO. KEW lOKR A.NU tlW OKLEAN1 TlSAhiSaiF COMFAHY For New York. via Havana Tbe new.

splendid, side wheel steamship C'AHA WBA, R. W. Bhnfeldt. commander, will leave oer wnarr, nrst on haiuiluai, norem ber 10th, at o'clock A. M.

For freight or passage, apply to CONMOX.Y Agents, o88 44 Poydraa atie et for (Jallfornla. FOR CALIfOHNlA. VIA HAVANA, Aapluwsll end Panama The Tj. tuli Steaoubio Comnanv'a ftne lUamirr ALfA, J. nlciiowan, commander, will leave her wharf, op posite jncason naoarr.

on muun. tne 6tn of Novem ber, at o'clock A. precisely, with the Government mails and paraengers, connecting wl'h tbe D. S. Mail steamship Kl Oors'lo at Havana, and the FaciAc mail ateamahln Gold Gate at Panama The Panama Railroad IS NOW OPEN FROM OCEAN TO OCEAN, and tbe transit is made In slew hours, Tbe daya of aalling will hereafter be the Sth and Strh ol earn month, from this port via Havana.

Through ticket! ran now be obtained at the office of AiUXUIXitUnt. HAitUlS orr tn4 4S atchea atre t. near Camp. Klorlda Porta. FLORIDA STEAMSHIP COMPANY "or Key Weat.

via Penaacola, Apaiae.blcola, 'St. Harka. Cedar Kevaand Tamil Bar Tha nne, fnaiaaningateanunip J. AIM UCKBiLi I t. Bmitn, I 1.

i i "fi" uimi. uci win ico.r uci wMari, luui iiuus liret(, PD 8ATUR1IAY, November 10 at 8 o'clock A. M. For irciftut or paac age appiy to rne aeents. E.

e. ROGERS St Poydras St. FLOK1DA STEAalSHIP COMPANY O. a. mall t.ine rrom new Orleans to Key StesmablDS FLORIDA and C.

VABf UERB1L.T Tbeae fine steamers vi 11 in future make their regular teml monthly trips, leaving aa fellows New Orleans. and nth. tvey Wut loth and and 8Mb. Tampa 11th and 1Mb. Apalachicola.lith and Srjth.

St. Marks 13th and snb. Cednr 12th and Ktb. St nth and 88h. Apalachicola.iath and 39tb.

Cedar 14th and 28th. Tampa Bay. and x'Jtb. and 30th. Arrive at Key West 17th and Ut New Orleans.

and 1st. Agents In New Orleans, oat la E. O. ROGERS St CO .71 Poydraa st. Tsvtm.

45 FOR GALVEST OK AND MATAGORDA SfiPZS Bay D. ftlail Line The steamship LODI MaasBsasSBiAA, vr. leave asaoavc on 8DNDAY, Novrmser4tb, at o'clock A. JU. HARRIS St MORGAN, foot of Julia street.

i3 opposite the Steamship Landing, sar A steamship of this Une wiU leave every 8 ON DA and THURSDAY. UT Shippers will nleaae nrovlile themselves the steamer's bill sof lading. No other form will be signed. FOR BRAZOS BANT1AOO. iintrcrr New Orieana and Twaa II II aia.ll tin In new and magnificent steamship NAD liLta, jonn o.

xnompsou, commander, will leave will leave as nn THnDlniV KnvmSAva.h a punctually. For freight or passage, baring elegant state iuuiu to HARRIS MORGAN, foot of Julia street, opposite the Eteamshlo Landins. BSr All freight shipped by the Nautilua will be delivered to Capt. Kennedy, of the steamer Grampus, unless other wise airecteo. Sisr shippers mast provide themselves with he steam er's bills of lading.

No other form will be signed. oid NEW ORLEANS AND TtXAS D. 8. MAIL LINE For Galveston snd Matngorda "nay Tbe followlns new and meenihcent rteamablps will hereafter leave on SUNDAYS and THURSDAYS, at 8 o'clock A. punctually: CHARLES MORGAN Henry Place, commander.

MEXICO 4ohn Y. Lawless, commander. LOUISIANA, Wm. H. Talbot, commander.

PERSEVERANCE, Henry bheppard, commander. Delivering freight for all points In Western Texss at the end of tie ship's tackles, Powder Horn, Lower In dianola. Shippers will please provide themselves with the steamers' bill of lading, ss no other form will be signed. HARRIS St MORGAN, tifttt foot of Julia street. Si Tbls line having established its own pilot oo Pass vavaiio air, toe srearr.era will Hereafter oe tasen in ana out nnder the tend.

pre of Its own captains. New Orleans aud Ualllornla Line ef rsteum sblpt. via Nicaragua ACCESSORY TRANSIT COMPANY OF NICARAGUA Only direct line from New Orieana to San Francisco 00 mi lea shorter than tbe Hsvana and Panama route. DANIEL WEBSTER. Miner, commander.

RO ETHE 8, H. Churchill, commander. These elegsnt steamers will leave New Orleans regularly on tbe lltD and 3ttb of each month, connectioc at San Joan del 8ur with the splendid steamships Uncle. dbis, iMjrtca, Drainer jonaiaan, Bierra nevaoa ana a ciflc. Passengers by this line are offered great Inducements both in economy snd time.

They land at Sao Francisco In from five to eight davs less time than by any other route. Porjlnformailon and tickets apply to W. C. TEMPLETON, 75 Camp street ar The WEBSTER will sail from New Orleans on SUNDAY, the 11th Noveir ber, at 8 o'clock A. M.

W. TEMPLETON, 75 Cam? street 7 The, PROMETHEUS will succeed the Webster, and sail on tbe 8fith November. on tf New York and Liverpool. THE NEW YORK ANU LIVERPOOL 8. MAIL.

STEAMERS The ships com prising this une are Th ATLANTIC Capt West The PACIFIC Cept Nye. The BALTIC Capt Comstock. The ADRIATIC Cant These ships bavlog been built by contract, express 'y ror i ue uovernment service, evervcare nes been tasen in their construction, as also in their ensines. to Insure streagtb and speed; and their accomodations for pas senders are unequaled for elesenee and comfort i Pfice of floatage from New York to Liverpool, In first caiarn, S130; In second cabin. S7A.

Exclusive use of extra size state rooms, S3i6. Prom Liverpool to New I oik, 30 ana su guineaa. An experienced surgeon attarhed to eacD ship. No berths can be secured until paid for. Proposed Dates of Sailing.

From New York. From Liverpool. Wednesday, Oct 17, 18MI. Saturday. Oct SO, 18M.

Wednesday, vet. 31, leas. Saturday, ov. lass. Wertn slay, Nov.

14, lws. Wednea fay, Nov. 98, ixes. Wednesday. Dec is.

186ft. Saturday, Nov. 17, lefts. Saturday, Dec 1, 18 ft. Bator lay, Dec 16.

IBM. Saturday, Dec xa, It 66. Wednesday. Dec 2rt. lbM.

tor f.elsht nrnassace annlvto i EDWARD B. COLT.INS, tn Wall street. New York. BROWN, SHIPLEY A Liverpool. STEPHEN KE.NNARD Co S7 Austen Friars, London.


Havre. The ownf of there shins will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry, precious stone or tnttals, no lets bills of lading are signed therefor, and the valne thereof expressed therein. Shippers will please take notice, tbst the ships of this line aunot carry any goods contraband of war. ol4 tf Kare lleduced. Cabin Passage to New Yurk.

Twenty Dollar. BE. all WKEri.LT UNITED STATES MAIL LINE Ths new and solendld aiBe eteemahlne RNOAY iLLE, 1600 C. D. Ludlow, DW lOOi, FLORIDA, lSUOtons M.

8 Wood Loll, ALABAMA. 1300 tons H. R. Bchenck. will leave Savannan every If EDNESDAX and SATOR 1U1.

These ships are among th largest on the coast, nnsar. SAM'L L. MITCHELL. IS Broadway. Mew York.

Jane en, Iwm. Jet Ksu MMlueaxl. Cabla Pa sage from Charleston to New York, 80. U. S.


Foster. cemmaBdazl JAMES AD tl BR, 100 tonB. ii. Turner, com maadain OTHERS ER, 1000 tons. Tho.

D. Ewan.comsaaBdav. Leave Adder's Wharves every WEDNESDAY aad SATURDAY afternooa, attar tbe arrival of th car front Soath and West These steamships war ba'lt eprssly for this lias, aad safety, comfort aad spsed ar unrivaled on tha Car. Table supplied with every icsury. Attentive aad cost.

ksons commanders will eoscr traveler by this 11a every potelbie comfort aad accommodettoas. For freight or psaiaga. having elegant state rooTBaecor1 BtodatlbB, apply ka HXJIR1 MISSROON. Jel CharlestoB, B. CI Cabla i St" Ohio Hives.

FOR CINCINNATI AND PITTSBURG. 'The Une regular passenger steamer SODTH I AM ERICA. Root Greenlee, maater. will leave lor the above and Intermediate landings on TUE8 DAY, 6' inst, at 4 o'clock P. M.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to n4 O. M. WHITE, 88 Front street FOR CINCINNATI Tbe fine regulsr passengr steamer onj.i A til u. jr. jr.

jn awnuAMm4.eIBU 1 ui. it, puu an Intermediate landings rn WEDNESDAY, Tth at o'c'ockP. M. For freight or apply on board. to ns jtnw s.

ni tr. m. or, oyoras street FOR CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE AN 'MadiaoB The DasseDeer steamer MON. IARCH.

Logan. Blaster, will lesve for tha ana au intermeaiate landings on WEDNESDAY, Inst, at a o'clock P. M. For freight or paaeage apply 1 ROOERS. MrOTTTRF: tt 11 Poydraa st fTTrW a FOR CINC1MNATI AND PITTanURG.

Jerv a TTbe fine regular paaaenger steamrrS3UTH ini Greenlee, master, leavea for aoove and all intermediate landings on TDEJDAY, inst, at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply JOHN E. HYDE A ti Poydraa street fCrfV rvk Lt la ft The Due regaJBI rrt 1 "gee steamer oiauiss, Harry A paascBi Bpotts. anaster.

wl II leave for Laalavl II. intermediate landings oa TUESDAY, the 6th lust. JaLwlsitlBeita Bar A plan ef th cabla caa seen aad atata roonu secured try applying to the agents. TT7. tie J.

ifrletiiehp4 D. JJ. ta, ArcmilBt, Ass ciste of Dr. JOHN f. CLARK.

Bwbi5. Mlii Union Bask Jy1 Treet. rShrubtxir anrl fln.r. The anoersigned will sell ta those who furolsto aad out grounds for gardens, a larva aaurtment of finest auality oTPLANTa. be will sell them very low prices foe cash, ss be is determined, ss sooa he can get rid of them, to en that business.

Tbeaa vurtuieut is very laree, enuiacing general variety, armlytotns Gardener, bo resides on toe premises, tn Jenerson City, bow aecunied by Geo. Lawr aaon, uq. passed In speed, safety or ccmforti melius tbelr Daasases I fifty to slaty boors, and are commanded by skillful, I bsvi earerni ana Bniit Ktnrm wn, mwti nvwn i ccmrr odatlon, they otter a a.ost desirable conveyance to I I mwt Sterage a I Anu. PADELFOB It FAY A Savannah. I I I I I or the C.

or in, peis and tne riew every tne mine, loo, leave xuHoo leave For Jyl street errs, wiu river evety SV fortbe run Bayou 87th every pawage wwa asr go aBd stroke, Wnw Ituae Pol e7 Www fitted THE planter of pric tba traTiSeB which au Works. eta MI some ward JSSSit sWi ii 9iTSY rcartage, II STEAMBOATS. Tne Lawsr Wlaslaalgpt. r' a COAST OT PACKETS BELLA IV lTKliKA and MOS1C To and from New if Orleans, Wllllamsnort. Bayou Sara, port Hudson, and all Intermediate landings.

Tha Br.I l.A DON If A Wm MrCamha nufx XII leave New Orleans every TUESDAY, at o'clock P. BL, for at all tbe intermediate points. Returning, will leave Bayoa Sara every Friday, on the arrival of the cars from Woodvllle. The MUSIC. J.

H. Morrison, msster, will leave New TUESDAY, at 9 o'clock A. end FRI lock P. for Port Hudson. Returning, urieans every DAY, at o'clock win leave Port Hudson on Wednesdsys and Saturdays.

Skftjrttae arrival of the Clinton and Port Hudson cars. tv" Particular attention paid to tbe receiving and landing of passengers and way freight, at all hours of the day and night. HOLMES CLAD88, ol 6m TT 14 Tcboupitonlaa street. Kf UULAH TEN Dll PirK w. tk.

'steamer T. LEATHERS, C. p. Bennett, imaster, for Napoleon. Sainea'a Landine.

uiii tug, vtwu. .1,1 iik, maea sening tcn and Providence, Vlckaburg, Grand Gulf, Rodney, Natchez, and all Intermediate landings attending to all plantation business in the Bends, will leave positively on MONDAY, November 13, at 6 o'clock P.M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to dj LEWIS 8NAPP CO ST Front street I 1 .1 i FOR VICK8BDHG AND YAZOO CITY. 1 Regular Wednesday weekly packet steamer P. C.

WALLIS. G. W. Carraa. master.

leaves every WEDMESOAY, at 6 o'clock P.M., for It oo City, Satartia, Vicksburg, Warrenton, New Carthage, ftrani Gulf, Rodney, Natcbez, and all lntermedia laud inea For freight or paasaee apply on board, or "3h tf LEWIS 8ri AFP A 37 front afreet. BAUZE PACKET D. S. Mali The fine and substantial steamer OPHELIA. 'John Dlmitrv.

maa'er. will continue to run in the parisb of Plaque mines tw'ce a week, as follows: Leaving New Orleam every SATURDAY morning at 10 o'clock, for tbe Balize. and every WEUSESDAY morning for Pointe a la Hacbe only. Returning, will leave Belize every Sunday, and Fointe a la Hacbe every Monday and Thanday morning. Tbe Opbe'ia will atop at ail Intermediate laniings on the Coast.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to o37 CH AS. 1E BLANC, 14 Customhouse street. A clerk will be oa tbe Levee, foot of Conti street, to reeeive freight I raiDAY Vtk.k. H.b. OAD A tal ivaruuig, atcauiri lyVD.a iQ.

xBsswSBawgsasBSBaBssBBBsm a ui ibaairHia. TV SB! I CUIUU, HCW sUIIlBaCV. Gran.t Gulf, Rodney and Natchez Tbe superior awift ruunlnc paasencer nacket steamer CORA Nn. a. R.

Mosby, msster. will leave for tbe above every FRIDAY, at A o'clock P. M. For freieht or passage apply on board, or to JOHN E. HIDE A 66 Poydraa street.

Ktr Tbe Cora is ready to receive freight at the foot of Canal itreet. o9fJ REtrOLAIt WEEKLY FKIIIll Vlckaburg packet steamer CORA No. For Vlckffbare. Warrrnijin. New fiHhw.

wisuu wu, wdc, ua ctatcoez ne superior a wire run nlng passenger packet steamer CORA B. Uoeby, master, will leave for tbe above every FRIDAY, at 6 o'clock F. hi. For freight or passage apply on board, foot ut Luiuuiuu iuccl, or 021 T. B.

SMITH, 16 Canal street. SJ" The Cora Is ready to receive freight. ff REGULAR PACRET STEAMER rtArvffPRANK LYON For Princeton, A.btoo, wi3 Pilctier's PoirTt, Sklpwith's Landing, Lake i rrovmence, vicksbnrg and Natchez The elegant and swift rnnnioc nacket steamer FRANK LTOM J. H. Estrs, master, will leave for tbe above and all Intermediate landing every THURSDAY, at 5 o'clock P.

Al. For freight or passage apply oo bnarri. or to T. B. SMITH, 14 Canal street isr This boat will not be responsible for any letter or i package containing money.

Jewelry, or other valuablea. rvgoiar on la or lading are tsaen, specifying tne contests and value, and the freight paid i nor for any valuable article deposited with tne clerk by th pasaea era, or contained In their baggage, SV0 mm. Puc i niri.Mro.iiv owirrv VI Sk. UV1U1I ITHiJHIiauai I aAV Uerf sg Vlcksburs packet steamer P. C.

WAI.MP. Vlcksonrs. Warrenton. New Carthaee. uroou un uonney, naicnei ana on saimi Aoe new.

elegant and swift running passenser nacket steamer P. C. WALL1S. G. W.

Carraaa. master, will leave for the above and intermediate landings every WEDNESDAY, at o'clock M. For freight or passage apply on board, 8 IT or to T. B. 8M1TH, 16 Canal street SSC Cart Hendricks owns the steamer Aid, which con nectsat Vicksburg with tbe Watlis, and all freight lor Yazoo River will arrive at l's destination wltbout delay.

FOR PRINCETON. ASHTON. PIL rher's Feint, Sklpwith's Landing. Lake Piovidence. Goodrich's Landins.

MiillkenS Bend Bayou Sara. Baton Hong and all Intermediate lane Ices The splendid. fat running passenger packet SOUTHERN BELLE. L. W.

Broadweil. master, will leave as above on THURSDAY, at o'clock P. M. For freight or rassege apply on board, or to PiLCHER, GOODRICH A 4B uaronaeiei streer, or L. 8NAPP A 37 Front street SBPThe Sonthem Belle will also take freight for all points on tbe I szoo River, wltb tae privilege of reshlpplng at Vicksburg, sbe having made very advantageous ar ransem*nis for that purpose.

tmw a cierx win oe on tne every Tuesday morn to receive iryigot. 09 tl U. 8. TRI WEEKLY MAIL LINE. from New Orleans to Vicksburg For Don na.KMaavMiiB"u,iiict omwju win i nudson, jtayon sara.

Red nuver Landing, Fort Adanos, Natchez, Waterproof, Rodney, St Jossph, Grand Gulf, Warrenton and Vicksburg. PRINCESS, Cspt. Holmes, TUESDAY, at P. M. SOUTHERN BELLE, Capt BroadweU, THURSDAY, at NATCHEZ, Capt Leathers, SATURDAY, at 5 P.

M. The abovementioned splendid passenger packets will leave on their regular days, without fail, at the hour appointed. All bnsineas entrusted to tbelr care will be promptly and faithfully attended to. Freight taken for Kazoo, if cocsigoed to W. M.

Shaw, the agent of the boats at Vicksburg, who will forward it without delay, and wit bout any extra change. These boats will not be responsible for any letter ar package, containing money. Jewelry, or other valuables, unless regular bills of lading are taken, specifying the contents sod value, and the freight paid nor for any valuables deposited with the clerk by the passengers, or contained in their baggage. For freight or passage apply on board, or to CARROLL, PRITCHARD A at tf Union Row, St Carendelet st asMeaasasfaburg, REGULAR TUESDAY WEEKLY steamer For Vicks I. I WW i CW OU CT, QIUII Gulf.

Rodnev snd Nabches The elesant and ewift rna cirg passenger packet steamer MAGNOLIA, Bt Clalx onmasson, master, win leave in toe acove trace on TUE8DAY, September 4th, at 5 o'clock P. will leave every TUESDAY, at 6 o'clock P. M. for freight paaaage apply an ooara. tf T.

B. SMITH. I Canal street REGOrAR WEEBO.Y VICRSBORG ket For Vicksburg. Milliken's Be d. I arrenton, New Carthage.

Grand Gulf, 1 1. waterproof, riatcnez, i ort Aflams, aaa Doints on tne loui i ne eieeant rase rnnnins ncim packet IiUuiba, j. at. White, commander, wui leave for above landings regularly every 8ATCRDAY, at 10 o'clock A. M.

Freights taken lor all point on Yazoo River, having made an arrangement with th steamers P. Wailis and Aid, to connect at Vicksbnrg. For freight paaaage appiy on ooaro, or to Jyft tf T. B. SMITH, 18 Canal street NEW ORLEAEfS AND FORT ADAMS REGULAR PACK.

EX For Fort Adams, Stars pa's Landing. Mouth of Red River, imw ym miuuiu. wvuwi ui ajwA WilaamFPort, Raccourcl Bend. Tunica. Morgans.

Point Coupee, Bsyoa Ssra, Waterloo, Hermitag. Port Hudson, Ranaldeon's, Springfield. Lobdeli's Store, Wall's Landing, Baton Rouge, Bruly Landing, Manchac, Plsquemine, Bayou Goula, New River, Dona'dsonvllle and the Coast magnmcent passenger pacset steamer z. w. sia BALL, BenJ.

B. Orr, msster, wl I run regularly In tbe above trade throughout the entire year, leaving New Orleans every WEDNESDAY MORNING at 10 o'clock i returning, will leave Fort Adams every FRIDAY at II o'clocam. For fre ght or passete apply on board, or to ucLKCAHt icnoupitouias sr. OAREY A HA Rir4 90 Gravier street PAINE A HARRISON 1U Csmp street VW The most strict attention will be given to all busl entrusted to this boat. o9 PORT HUDSON AND WATERLOO packet NEW LATONA.

Emille Gross. imt master, having been tboronghly overhauled repaired and newly painted, will resume hr trips aoove traac on siunii eon MONDAY neat the4th Inst, leaving I every MONDAY, at o'clock P. an" I at 9 o'clock A. M. Tbe Latona is bow at I Orleans FRIDAY, at 9 o'clock A.

M. Tbe Latona is bow at wharf, receiving ireignt, and will take fretgbtfor all landings oa the Coast. Donaldson, Bsyou Geuia, Plaque oaion rwugr, zKioaeiis store, rort er and all intermediate landing For freight or pasta f. ngsupenor accommodarioiis, apply on board. si tt FOB, WAiXoLvO THJS CAPITOL This new and truly magnificent steam Dacket (Thames M.

Ure. CantalB.l art TWICE A WEEB. for Waterloo, Port Hudson, n.ouge, riequemine, ronainsonviiie, aaa ail lBter medlnte landings. On 8UBDA1 morniag at V. and WEDNESDAY evening at o'clock.

Returning, Waterloo immediately on delivery of jelghl, Uc freight or passage apply on board, or to JOHN J. PEARCE 1 Conti street, HOLMES A CLAUSS. 14 New Leva. 65 A1ENARD A V16NAUD, Id Bienville Bt A A clerk will be on tbe Levee, Bear tbe foot of Coat to receive freight during the absence af boat Alabama stiver THROUGH LINE For Montrnmerv. 'Selma.

and ail Intermediate laadlnssoa itbe Alabama River Tbe fine fast renntna passenger packet steamers POST BOY, Tbos. W. Rob maater, aad ATLANTA, A. P. SoardmsB.

master, tuuucin.c rvuuiug in 1 1 luc aa ao BS toe risea. tbe steamer Post Boy leaving New Orleans SATURDAY, from th New Basin, and connecting with the steamer Atlanta at Thirty one Mil LEWIS SNAPP A 87 Front street Tbe steamer Atlanta is a bcw boat, built expressly above trade, and la very light draogbt, and will connecting with toe steamer Post Bey the year round, forming weekly through line. OS tf Lafourche. IONVILLE I ne.AaSa! NEW ORLEANS, DON A LDSONVTLLE snd Bsyou Lafourche Packet FANNY SPARBAWK. D.

D. Terrebonne, tnaatar. it. iui wunijuoriiif ing Lafourche to Lcckport, from and after Saturday, October, every SATURDAY, at 9 A. and every TUESDAY, at 5 P.

M. Returning, leaves Docairtaonvill. Peiret, clerk, will lesve for Donaldsonvill and Monday and Thursday, at 6A M. For fre'gkt or apply ob board, ar tithe ageats. New Orleans JACOB, DABOVAL corner of ana new t.evee streets DoBBldsonviile VICTOR MAURIN.

Tbibodaux VAN. LEW A BELLO. UutU the river Fanny Spatbawk will not far her than Donaldsonviile. n0 PCT sv STEAMBOAT FOR BALE For sale. for the cottoaao aanMiiiBaow trwa 7 eara oia aaa la perfect order m'J1i'V 140 lnt reet beam, feet Soor feet hold engines, Is Inches dlametsrr, sew with doctor i boilers, 40 Inches diameter i saediaw cauia, aaa wen soana, ana a remarkab'v Caa boa' r.h..

A wwwww WTwm. JOHH m. HTOS A cq. em PerrwifrtM: for Nashville, claaasville and all landings on Cumberland River fin favorlta steamer AMERICA. Jobluau nulw.

will I. with rirrnatc freight or passage app on board, or to una r. ej Xbsains, amtrntwa Charles street, corner Perriido. Th. Amevlna liu kaea SaarausbjT zcDaired aad during tbe pest saeimer.

nrd'a Patent C'entrlfAsJ rSatsair Alaehlnee subscribers, sole ageata mriaesais oi ineae celebrated Machine, lake pleasure ta giving nodes ta and other that tbey ar bow prepared, by order tha mabnfsc'arers. to furnish tbem at one fourth less than They will also cos tract to furnish improved Vacuus Pan and Engine af Meaer. G. B. et l.O vwav ma nvnw, L.wwr avra plans Ol caa ne lorwaruea on auy itcation aa wen aa ior tne manufacture of any machinery whatever at the Glob J5C4 itii'i es josepo.

bvodney. or or 13 lyr liil at and lc will on "oar If lngs, the 5v. vsi.s for JL A rx ia ff a P. ob ztj itj rv s.a m. 1 Jt a 149 Common street Tweatr IoIlara Uewarai.

SB ING A ess af Shoes, marked T. A. Margaa, Orange Grove, sappased ta have been receive by neimngat cierx iga wiiavaae. Aaa aoove re will be paid for its delivery to i JOHN M. GOULD A St' 8 ki.eiutine ftrr.

sal A to, Catntrtmoa erc Biaw i M. "caufcaaisawsk STEAMBOATS. Mebllg) taajsl Ialie Ptariferettj. MAli7 LTWUfr ATranJ I. MAIL era CUB A.

A Helm master, CA LlFOajTLt. aT Frost, master, and OREGON, A L. Myert mtitti been Suilt expfeni foe the Lake accommodatlona One of tha tha Lake end of the Pontrhartrala Railroad Dai arrival the 4 e'elock P. M. eara.

Retuniu. i r. 1 1 lea, at Pascageula oa Monday and Thursday 'even lli sr rree list entirely suspended. CaWn PS. 31 K.

Arent. 10 swf aafsT lsVD rTT.Sr A REOLB Winter inun.Jf1; asTi tfS Oceae fJa (nss and tatenwuiu. 1 extending ber trip to Pascagonla oa Tuesday an e.f day of each week TE spiendlsl low Vnmll steamer CREOL Reuoesi Post, master, baiit for this trade, with superior aecsmmodaQoas frT! gers.) will leave the Lake end of the Pontchsrtrairr'" rrad cm the arrival of tbe cars, as follows i tj Leaves Pootchartrain Railroid. I Leaves Oceaa FnH, Tuesday P. M.

cam. Wednesday Tbursday 9 AM. cars Fridsy morninl 8 ttorday 4 F. M.

cars. Boadsy evening" On Tueiday and Batorday ah will go ss far (oula. aK Fare to By St. Loots ant Fass Cbr1stiaatH iu Mississippi City and SJ Orean fiprlngi Li Pascagoula son R. aEODES.Aer,Lifl.::;.W ir ITasB U.

8 MALLS FOR MANDEvTTTT JsjtjgLewlstmrg. Madlsonvlluind CoL Tto nilnriaLaatTbe low pressure steams DiAito, v. vr. anuii, masrrr W. ArdllL master, leaves the JeSeriA.

7 tbe V. B. Mails for tb WEDNESDAY and FRIDAT mad, carryins MONDAY. of tbe so minutes lute past 10 o'clock A. M.

eVrffeas tratT ives Siadiaonvllle every.JI. Returning, leaves MadiaonVlIle every Taead.J ano Saturday, at o'clock A. M. Fan an r.V,l 'Z'. ST Dntfl further noHre tba ITnltot Ut.A 11.

Msdisonville. and wiU forward the Covington inaUova land from tbat point. aY manver aVTbe United Staiva rfva antifia train Railroad. Applica ioa to be made on board. anioZ? COVIMGION B.

MAM. t.IMrB.1 Mandeville. Lcwiabnrg, Madlaoovtlla aad Covinstoa Tbe apleadld and substaattal I i MH WMimifcSsWlLrtV I vv waa.auuwwa siiarumi 1 iraiw I trade,) will leave as follows ybn sroza Mvingtoa, Monday, arrival 10 A.M. cars. Tuesday.

o'clock A Wednesdav. lo lr.n,. T. Friday, 10 Isatarday. Saturday o'clock at.

cars Monday AH. Passage, si, meals, 60 cantt Far father partlcalar apply on board. rreigbt so art sent to tb boat by th 10 o'clnckA. aL." cars. or It will be left onti, the next trip.

si The Upiwr tiissfssiinH, IfV t. FOR ST. LOUIS, CAIRO LtrW5phis Tbe fine regular passei Vsiii i a MCa RETS, J. C. Reiily, AND MEM passenger steamer jmiiw will ra.e ror ot nouis ana au lBtermedist land I srs so TUE8DAY, tbe 6b at 4 o'cleck P.

M. For freight or patsaf apply on board, or to n4 iwown, mcttuiKE it Povdraa st rOtt ST. LOUIS Tbe fine reeulai 'passenger steamer DICK KEYS, John C. tueiiv. master, win leave for Bt.

Lonia all Intermediate land lcea on MONDAY, tha Ktb In.r o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to JQHW E. HTDfc A Bft Poydraa st FOR BT. LOUIS.

CAIRO. NEW HI. drid, Hickman, Memphis, Helena, Wapo Icon, and all intermedia. landings Tne entirely new and light draught steamer EDWARD WAL8H, G. W.

Cable, master, is now in port receiving freight and will leave aa above on WEDNESDAY, tbe 7th Inst, at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight only, apply oa board, or to T. BUDPECKE d3 SiPoydrai street arTheE. W.

will pay particular attention to there ceipt and delivery of all way freight REGULAR ST. LOULSt PACKET Th. Ffine retralar passenger steamer EDWARD I WALSH. Cable, master, will leave far t. above and Intermediate landings on WEDNESDAY, 7th at 4 o'clock r.

so. rot freight or passage apply an board, or to n3 O. M. WHtTE. 81 Front street ms fo FOR ST.

LOUIS, CAIRO, HICKMAN. L1 V1? New Madrid. Meraph's, Helena, Nsileon, ssuaMaawaaMaiaaii au intermeaiate lanainga OS new, light draught, and splendidpaasenger pack all intermediate landings Tba new, will be In port ready to receive frelsht on Saturday Ing, and will leave as above on THURSDAY, sth Inst, at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or pataare apalv onboard.

or tv ALLiD mti nsonun, nl 67 Tcacnsttonlaart BrV The H. C. will pay particular attention to all way freight tbipped on her. REGULAR ST. LOU18 PACKET The fine regular passenger steamer CRESCXNT 1 .1 aouveana Intermediate landinrson WEDNESDAY.

the 7tr. at o'clock P.M..: For freight or passage Sf plyot bosrd.orta US' BELL. BUCHANAN St Magazine st oi. kvuio, rv, aiLaoA. rNew Madrid, Memphis, Helena, Napoleoi intermediate landings The light draasbt and regular packet ateamer EDWAb ALSH, Wm.

U. Cable, master, is bow in port rece ing freight, and win leave as above on WEDNISDA 7th Inst, at o'clock P. M. For freight apply oa boat, or to ALLEN A SHANNON, 87 Tchodpit oalsa st SaV The E. W.

will pay particular attention to all srs and plantation business. IlUnela Kfrer. ta. YOR ST. LOUIS, ALTON ILLINOIS ljr Ar'' 7 River direct, LaSalie, Peoria aad Fru tfacnsTbe new, elegant and light draogbt pas senger steamer J.

DlEaRLY, HoUisaer, master, Is new ia port recelvinjfirtr at, and will leave ss sbpve on Ttt DAT. tbe nth o'clock P. St. For freight or ass sage, having superior a 'r nroodatlonaj apply on board, or to JOHN I iiilrS A 66 1 i troynraa street ovrtras street. a TheJ P.

'Early will take fieight for Alton. Memphis'. REGULAR MEMPHIS PACKET Far Memphis, Helena. Napoleon, Greenville, I Lake Providence. Vicksbora.

arid all In tea. SBwaaLrmmaMSkwzawSifTCB I mediate landings The nne regular and last running passer ger steamer JOHN B. Church, master, wllloe ready to receive freight on Monday morning, ana will leave as above, having very superior accommodations, an WEDNESDAY, the 7th Inst, at 6 o'clock M. Fot freight or psssase apply en board, or to JOHN A. BIDK Poydrasst" Tbe Simonds will take all plantatiou wtd way freight, and paaaengers, for 8b Louis, Loolsvllle, Cincinnati and I ash vi lie, connecting at sUemphls with packet for those places.

BS NEW ARRANGEMENTS FOR 'MAUD US For Memphis The regular alternate Friday packet BELFAST The new.lleht Iraosht and anlendid riaaar I nackeS bit. FAST, George Taylor, master, will leave an her next trip for Memphis. Helena, Delta. Friar's Point. Napoleon, Gaines's Landing, Colombia, Greenville, Kentucky Bend, Lake Providence.

Vicksburg, and all tha Beads, on FRIDAY, tbeioth Inst, at o'clock P. M. For freight passage, having fine accommodations, apply oa board, to ALLEN Tcooupttanla st ear The Belfast will remain la th trade th entire season, and partlcalar attention given to all way and plantation bnsineas al FOR MEMPHIS Regular a'teruate 'Tuesday packet MAY FLOWER Ths new land enlendld steamer HIT FLOWER. brown, maater. fnr M.mnhli.

RlnA n.lfm rH Point, Nspoleon, Gaines's and Gastoss Landings, Coiaza wiwBtnir, iveo nciy jkbs. Jbuc SrTOvioence, leu burg, and ail tbe Bends, will leave an TUESDAY, tbe th at o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply onboard, or to A3l LEWIS SWAP" CCU, J7 Front street asr The Msy Flower will remain ia tbe trad the entire season. Particular attention paid to plantation business.

Ki'The May Flower will take all plantation and way freight, and raaengrs Tor St Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati and Nashville, connecting at Memphis with packet iif Bjv yi wv sj. ITTV aw FOR MEMPHIS Regular alternate Ffl day packet BVLFABT. George Tsyle irlil leava far TV. pm 1 Delta, liars Feint, NspoUon, lafnes's and Gastor'a Landlnga. Columbia, GreeBville, Kentacky Bead.

Pol at Landlnga. Columbia, Greeatille, Kentaeky Ben Wnrthiugton, Grand Lake. Ashton. Vicksburg, Dd intermediate landltgs, en FRIDAY, th I Hatches. th Inst a o'clock P.

M. "or freight or paaaage apply oa board. nl or to LEWIS SNAfF A S7 Front street aa The Belfast will remain In tbe trade tbe entire season Psrtica'ar attention paid to plantation basineaa. SasTTbe Be I fait will take ail plantation and way freight, peeienge for Sc. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati aad Nashville, cennecting at Memphis with packet for these plsces 7.

KlTer. FOR SHaX VEPORT AND IRTERME 'dlate Landings for Alexandria snd Got ton's Lend'ne Tha lisht dranvht i Krtwwn steamer VICTORIA. J. R. Hii.mui.r.

teve for tbe above and all intermediate Undines TUESDAY, th o'h inst. at 6 o'clock P. M. for freight only, apply on board, or te n4 LEWIS SNAPP A Vr Front street tV Frelaht for 8 breve port to be re shipped en tbe steamers Marion, Augusta, Trader, Sodo. sr any good r.

st ca rrr ta, 'ORSHRVPORT, GRAND 'T 7G'ao4 Bayoa; Campte. Alexsadala, Gor i gtoa'a Landing and ail Intermediate lanov direct Tba light draught ateamer JULIA, R. Hetchlaon, msster, will leave ss above aa TUESDAY, eta a'ekek P. M. For freight or paieige apply oa board, nr to LEWIS SNAPP ST Front street SaT Freight taken through with nrivileg of baa I lug around tba Falls.

Dry freigbt, wt g. Alexandria freight taken aa customary. White and Arkantuta ItlTers. X' Sf A FOR WH1TJS AND ARKANSAS BTV r'era The new and light draught steamer ix. i i Jacksoano Elteaheth Hi.

Arc De tsiuni, Atxrdeen, St. Cha les Indian Bay, snd aJ lntermediste laadings. on TDE8DAY. tbe 6th last, at 6 o'clock P. positively.

For freisht or passage apply a board, arto LEWIS SNAPP A CO .37 Fraatrt. KsT Freight feces for Nspoleoaaed all the Beads) Arkansas River, if canslgned to ties Arc, Dsvsh a ar Aberdeen. 1 n3 1 bole Aseavey el tae er'esirmtext ouickBr Irs i i. Works. TenBesaee, Fermerly Stewart A Dicks's, now Lewis Krwla A REDOCTION.

TTTROM aad afssrthe sad March laatant, price at Sagar SVettles Will rate aw Kmmni From ts rt Inches Inclusive, at SI per Inch disaster. w. OS to 4 I CO so ta 4 'a Famace Mouths, SIS Bad B30. according to sis. SrmU Bars, 4 cents per poamd.

ai. JUA VILLErDYRB. CcmmlMloB Merrbaot Union liner, IT between St. Charieaand Csrnnelet mbt SS Cesk fsr ulo. VERY superior COM, both i tf li.h aad Preach, aaa wso ib eqaany competent as a waaher and truner, offered for sala.

For terms aad ha. CaraBdelet street, ground floor afhee a 7 1st Iastc i Aotdemy. Mr. aaiMra. ANuELlNA hsvs the tenor to nonnca to toair faienisand tha reapeetaoie c.

imu i. 7 Bt Ne. 19S CaraBdelet street, between HsTi a ud a Gtrod. Childrea's CI' everv TTtflir Tnrrnant an3" SATURDAY, from 4 to 6 P. nl.

rri7 4ra Jil be1' iteef INTERS ustag fci auiphite of Lime forth usb( fachsraof their far, sre requested to try Bernard Albrecht'e article. Tncir il Sulpblt of Lime ranges Baom'a hydrometer, aaa will stand the taste of any impartial chemiat for is remarkable puritv. iiRNsafl ALE corner tjf Claiborne ateaet and hayos ttd. arasn anient lre aA at nt. Laaans A Reine.

Coaiaais slon Merchaata, 1 Conti aueet, wui be promptly aitend e'l to o0 im Coal oai. Te. ROBINSON, Aeet for A Millar A Co.H Riddle, Coleman A 'a celebrated HT ioBCa. COAL, ia prepared to supn steamers, foandiiea, cotton prerses, piaotatioas and soer renoers by cafo, at toe soartest notice an 1 oa be raia sl Com I ereutl liace. a.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.