Should I get the one mind upgrade in cookie clicker? - Gamers Wiki (2024)

The background goes back to normal and the Wrinklers get googly eyes. Yes, you should buy one mind. That Unlocks several upgrades which greatly boost your CPS, especially the CPS coming from grandmas. Also Allows you to earn several achievements, which boost your CPS indirectly via Milk and Kitten upgrades.

What happens when you upgrade one mind in cookie clicker?

Once “One Mind” is purchased, the Grandmapocalypse begins. The Grandmas are now considered “Awoken”. Wrath cookies will appear 33% of the time, and Wrinklers will appear as well. The Grandmatriarchs will lose their teeth and become more wrinkled.

What is the most important upgrade in cookie clicker?

Cookie Clicker: 10 Best Upgrades To Prioritize

Table of Contents

  • 10 Persistent Memory.
  • 9 Permanent Upgrade Slots.
  • 8 Thousand Fingers.
  • 7 Forwards From Grandma.
  • 6 Farmer Grandmas.
  • 5 Kitten Helpers.
  • 4 Heavenly Chip Secret.
  • 3 Lucky Day (and Serendipity/Get Lucky)

When should I stop upgrading the Grandmapocalypse?

If you’re farming Golden Cookies, you should stop the Grandmapocalypse at Phase 1, since you can get Wrinkler benefits while also getting a pretty high chance of getting Golden Cookies. You should still get to Phase 3 on one of your first runs to get the Grandmapocalypse Achievements.

Should I pop Wrinklers cookie clicker?

You don’t have to pop them. Each wrinkler withers 5% of your CPS, so with 10 wrinklers 50% of your cookies are being withered. This seems like a bad thing, but wrinklers return 1.1x the number of cookies they withered. You don’t have to pop them, but it’s useful to know how they work.

What happens if you purchase One Mind in Cookie Clicker?

Should I pop a golden wrinkler?

Since the condition of a shiny wrinkler appearing is based only on chance, the best strategy to obtain shiny wrinkler (and therefore getting the shadow achievement) is to pop as many wrinklers as possible.

Should I end the Grandmapocalypse?

It is recommended to fully complete the Grandmapocalypse, because of the benefits to your cookies per second through upgrades such as Arcane Sugar.

Should I stop at one mind in cookie clicker?

Yes, you should buy one mind. That Unlocks several upgrades which greatly boost your CPS, especially the CPS coming from grandmas. Also Allows you to earn several achievements, which boost your CPS indirectly via Milk and Kitten upgrades.

How many grandmas does it take to start the Grandmapocalypse?

To start the Grandmapocalypse, you must have at least seven Grandma types, and at least six grandmas. You will then have access to the Bingo center/Research facility. This will allow you different research/upgrades and eventually the “One Mind” Upgrade.

Can you still get golden cookies during Grandmapocalypse?

In the Grandmapocalypse, golden cookie frequency is reduced, making it not worth it. However, if you are a player who usually relies on idle cookie production, the benefits of occasional Elder Frenzies and boosts from Wrinklers exceeds the benefits of an extra frenzy you get every once in a while.

What does trillion fingers do?

8 Thousand Fingers

There are a variety of upgrades between Thousand Fingers and Trillion Fingers that increase this number, but Trillion Fingers offers the largest jump in power with a 20 times multiplier added to Thousand Fingers.

Do Heavenly Chips carry over?

Heavenly Chips can be spent on various upgrades during an ascension. All upgrades are permanent when bought, and carry forward through ascensions. They include “Permanent Upgrade slots” to keep certain upgrades forever without having to buy them again.

What does one mind do?

Inspired by the founders’ lived experience, One Mind is the leading brain health nonprofit committed to healing the lives of people impacted by brain illness and injury through global, collaborative action.

What does the one mind upgrade do?

Once “One Mind” is purchased, the Grandmapocalypse begins. The Grandmas are now considered “Awoken”. Wrath cookies will appear 33% of the time, and Wrinklers will appear as well. The Grandmatriarchs will lose their teeth and become more wrinkled.

How long should I wait to pop a Wrinkler?

Theoretically the best way to “use” wrinklers is to wait until they are maxed out(10 or 12, if you bought “Elder Spice” in the upgrade tree) then wait until they accumulated enough cookies to buy your next upgrade, then put Skruuia in the temple’s diamond slot and just then pop all twelve.

Is Grandma evil in Cookie Clicker?

The Grandmatriarchs are the main antagonists of the idle video game Cookie Clicker. Appearing as harmless albeit ominous old ladies, they are in reality eldritch horrors hellbent on taking over and spreading their corruption across the world.

Does Elder Pledge pop wrinklers?

the Grandmapocalypse is disabled, popping all wrinklers. This happens if Elder Pledge or Elder Covenant is activated, or if all grandmas are sold.

What is the oldest age a grandma can be in Cookie Clicker?

In fact, Grandmas can be anywhere from age 70 all the way past age 100, and every number in between. The ages of your Grandmas have no effect on their ability to produce cookies.

What does Elder Pledge do?

The Elder Pledge stops the Grandmapocalypse for 30 minutes. This can be increased to an hour by purchasing the Sacrificial Rolling Pins Upgrade. The Grandmatriarchs in the page background slowly fade back to normal, then back to the striped blue background. Golden Cookies also start appearing again.

Is Cookie Clicker addictive?

Ian Bogost, creator of Cow Clicker, similarly notes that “Cookie Clicker isn’t a game for a human, but one for a computer to play while a human watches (or doesn’t).” Cookie Clicker has been said by reviewers to be addictive, and its fanbase have been described as “obsessive” and “almost cultish”.

How do I activate Grandmapocalypse?

To start the Grandmapocalypse, you must have at least seven Grandma types, and at least six grandmas. You will then have access to the Bingo center/Research facility. This will allow you different research/upgrades and eventually the “One Mind” Upgrade.

How do you permanently end the Grandmapocalypse?

The Grandmapocalypse can also be stopped by selling all of your grandmas. Doing this causes the Grandmatriarchs’ status to disappear from the Stats page. Buying at least one grandma will restart the Grandmapocalypse at the stage you left off.

What triggers Grandmapocalypse?

It is triggered after buying the “One mind” upgrade from the Research Facility, and is furthered by buying “Communal brainsweep” and finally “Elder Pact”.

Do I buy Elder Covenant?

Sacrificial rolling pins: Elder pledges last twice as long. It’s recommended to only buy the Elder Covenant to unlock the achievement and final upgrade, then revoke it to avoid the 5% penalty.

Should I get the one mind upgrade in cookie clicker? - Gamers Wiki (2024)


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